Fun With Old Words

Don’t. I felt like a genius for a few moments. Not happening too often :laughing:

“English Professor”

Shoot. I must be getting old. There were a bunch of words at the end that I thought were still commonly used.

I’m going to go get a :beer: now…

EDIT - okay I just read the rest of this thread. IC it’s rigged. But still it doesn’t my “revelation” :frowning:

Look into the mirror. You’ve been punked. And me too.
But it sure looks good on your resume. :student:

yeah, I’m a professor too. I very much believe that this test like many others, was created to stroke one’s ego … :confounded:

I always get the same result with ANY test I have done so far:

“Seek help immediately!”

Yep, it’s crap, I’m a professor too (although I did minor in English Lit at UTK)

It was a “Lilly-dilly” :stuck_out_tongue:


The test iz gobbledegook :smiley:

Im a professer to :smiley:

If any one fills inclanated thay should putt together a list off the werds and they’re corect meenings. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like I am brilliant also……. it has to be broken. :person_facepalming: … :smiley:

Hehe, that’s funny :nerd_face:

I gots one heck of a score! I got “flashlight nerd”


You are officially our favorite Doctor!
You knew almost every word in this test and when you didn’t know it, you used your English skills to cleverly guess the correct answer.

This means that the size of your English vocabulary is huge and you probably LOVE to read. You must be observant, introspective, self-disciplined, and mature.”

I just clicked the first one each time. Hummmm. I thing the pompous test is goobldegook.

Old word perhaps but gobbledygook is used in the 24th century by Captain Picard :sunglasses:

I scored remarkable PROFESSOR :smiley:

ETA: …should have read this entire thread first…now I’m a dumb ass… :laughing:

Did an OCD, online test and got a VERY SIMILAR result! Hahahahha… (And I’m hardly OCD in my opinion. lol… )

Participation prize inflation.

So , in other words the test itself is not functionally correct and quite possibly could be a POS ?!—-Who knows what the acronym , POS stands for ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Point Of Sale :smiley:
Wikipedia knows all

Maybe , but Point Of Sale—-ummmm ? :person_facepalming: :smiling_imp:

I was leaning towards Piece Of S # # T !