That’s a huge help. There are actually 2 lists but it’s no big deal. It’s still a huge help. Well done.

Congrats. What’s a Chelsea fan?


You mean the CPF list? I didn’t include that. Or something else?

About half way done the list begins all over with “a”.

CUTE Tom, what a happy family!

Mr.Scott, wow, that is an awesome list.
Gonna link to it in the OP below the text where I ask people to check t, eas to find oneself here.
Thanks a lot!

oh yeah I did crtl F with a12luke (the first new A username and it is not double,

My computer believes: 0 < 9 < A < Z < a < z

But I’ll look into sorting without regard to case.

Orsm news Tom. Congrats to all involved. :slight_smile:

Put me on list for a second one

FYI I think I am supposed to be on the list for 443 and 988 only, not sure how 1076 got on there too, unless I made a mistake. Oh well, better too many than too few.

:FACEPALM: English Premier Soccer of course. World's greatest sport, best league in the world. The "beautiful game", etc.

Chelsea is one of the top teams, currently in 1st place. Yea, not too popular here...

I see the following on the original list. I’m sure The Miller can update.
443 cabfrank
988 cabfrank 2nd?
1076 cabfrank 2nd

Please put me down for one more. Total of two.


AHA, yep good find Mr.Scott, thanks!
Do you want the third spot or shall I place somebody asking to be put on the list on the third spot cabfrank?

It’s sorted asciibetically. That’s how I prefer to sort things.

To change this behavior, on a Linux system, use LANG=en_US.UTF-8 instead.

It’s no big deal, just let folks know that they need to look twice. It’s SOOOO much easier than without any sorting at all.

Can’t find my name on the list

Better give it away before I get tempted. Thank you!

List has been updated.

I thought you were an EBCDIC kind of girl. ASCII is way too common. At least ROT13 it before your sort!

I'm already set to use UTF-8.

$ env | grep LANG



It is either python or pandas.