The driver should be easily reflashable if you have the tools to do so, and the tools cost perhaps half as much as the light. So, yes, you should be able to modify it.

As for drivers with 3 or more channels… Wight released a 4-channel one in mid-2014. As far as I’m aware, no one ever built one and there was never any firmware for it. His FET+1 layout was much more popular. I think Mike C then made one, but only for his personal use. Fast forward a while; DrJones and pilotdog68 both released one within a couple weeks of each other at the end of 2015. A version of blf-a6 could run on it, but the FET was turbo-only with no PWM for dimming. Then the Q8 started in 2016-04. In 2016-05 I got one of the 3-channel drivers and promptly made bistro-tripledown, which IIRC was the first open project with 3-channel PWM. I released it in a dev branch but didn’t merge it into stable until 2016-09. Mike C continued his designs well ahead of most of what BLF was doing, and even released some including code, but they haven’t been part of a big project so they’re not widely used. More recently, several 3-channel designs are available and multiple firmwares support it, and there’s even a new project which should make it possible to buy a light with one.

So… progress is happening, just slowly and it has been a little disorganized.

The LDO is just a way to power the attiny on higher-voltage lights without exceeding its voltage spec, like a zener but with lower parasitic drain.

Right at the beginning of post #2 is a link to the google drive share that has the manual in docx and PDF format - it's 4 pages.

Smooth ramping, quick access to lowest level ,highest level and last level used. 12 sets of modes are featured, plus has timed stepdown or temperature stepdown, all configurable. Lots of options can be configured.

It is gorgeous and looks strong like a tank :heart_eyes:

The FW3A, right? Already on the list for that one too.

That 3rd round prototype looks nothing short of perfect. In fact, there are some improvements that I thought had been given up, like the 18 AWG wire, instead of 20 AWG.

Ship it! :smiley:

(yeah, I know, it’s probably not that simple)

Looks great!

Congratulations Tom, best to your Daughter and her family as they adjust to sleepless nights…

And Congratulations to the team with the arrival of the new Proto #3 and it’s apparent success.

Awaiting further instruction.


Just to clear up any confusion, does the Q8 actually have a larger hotspot than the Securitlng or is it set at a brighter level and the camera is blowing it up to look bigger?

No tri blade endcap? No biggie. This one looks fine. :+1:

waits for the order code :smiley:

It’s looking good!

Thank guys for update. please add more 2-3 for me ( my original post was #405) any tentative period for order ?

Wow to a lot here!

Thanks for the triple channel firmware info.
Yeah DrJones is highly respected but doesn’t do open source a key factor for the projects I do.
He did, with TK helped with the first parts list for the driver though, pretty awesome in my book when little me asked these two heavy hitters and they answered and gave input.

Tom wowsers, gonna edit topic title later
Looks good.
Gonna check with Barry where the samples for the team are, for it seems a good check by us all is all that it needed to give the go!
Thorfire did good, also our German friends will love the Chinese Export marking as I do :smiley:
I missed that hot logo before.
Dang it looks professional, sweet!

Can’t resist after seeing the latest prototype, please add me for one.

The labelling isn’t as clear on the new version, cheapens the look. Having said that, its not a deal breaker.

EDIT Shouldn’t have viewed on a 4 inch screen. On a 26” now and I agree version 3 is better.

What do you mean?

It’s clearly sharper and better looking.

Now, working on it, this post thus also doubles as MARK :wink:
Done list should be up to date.

Well it seems all we need is the samples for the team if Tom does not discover things needed changing.
I hope/think they are already on their way!

The tools do flash a hex costs you less than 5$

The markings look great
Guess how I know……
Oh yeah

I just found

A small parcel in the mailbox

The usual plastic baggie

Didn’t think much of it so tore it open

Some white sheet padding

A small pristine brown box

Opened it

A sheet of black padding



This is prototype 2 of 7
I so hope other team members will find something too!
First look (not even put cells in it) sweet

Great news Miller! That answers your question if the other 6 prototypes were send out as well as Tom’s one.
(oh, no, I’m so busy ’till sunday night that I will not even be able to even check the mail for middle-of-the-road plastic bags :person_facepalming: )

You should have known better, not being able to check the mail…tss … :smiley: