Will there be a NW version in this deal ?

Count me in.

Put me down for one. Thanks.

Nice and intriguing picture!

I’m trying to guess why the dies do not light up the same…
Small deviations from the specs out of production that make a big difference at very low voltage?

They are all in parallel and they are probably getting a few mA each . Then i think every xhp70 in 12V configuration has 4 dies connected in series (i think). Only if all the 12 dies had same Vf would light equally , theoretically

I think we should include that too.

It took me quite a few attempt to get the sequence right. Likewise for electronic lock out. Haha.

Interested depending on price. THX

Interested depending on price. Thank you…

Lockout is very tricky ! You must be very quick when “unlocking” it .

What batteries will it take? Hopefully not another of these lights that’s fussy on length making it a problem getting hold of compatible batteries…

If it is fussy that should be rectified before production.


It would work better with button tops , now i’m using flat tops and they are a little short actually . If you give it a really good shake they loose contact .

So , no problem with space .

Moin Moin

Interested depending on price.


That’s what I was worried about. Most high drains are not button top, getting hold of them can be a pain.

No need to take button top high drains if you can’t find them . NCR18650GA will work great in most cases in the light with it’s setup .

Interested depending on price and tint availability.

There’s always the old solder blob trick.

Interested depending on price…

Interested. Thanks.

Interested, depending on price. Thanks.