My dog did a cool thing. People suggested I put it on YouTube so I did...

yeh, liked and subbed awaiting his next trick :wink:


mine did the same thing while on his hind legs and clapping

just couldn’t find that danm camera!

amazing dog! Breed is a Spinnerdoodle?

Cute dog :wink:
Change the video title to attract more view…

Thanks for that, it put a smile on my face :slight_smile:

Cute fellow!

How much i miss my beloved dog.....

Anyway It is staring at you waiting for some sort of your input...soooo cute... i hope (he) got his ton of beacon reward.

Mad crazy Dawg :)


That´s a good boy!

wow why hasn’t this gone viral??

what is the spinner?

Now, turn a flashlight on it, and then you can illustrate PWM!

Paws Width Mutulation :laughing:

Wonderful video. Baron’s a very patient boy. He’s getting a bit cross-eyed towards the end though.

You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round

What a great doggie, and video. Be careful though, he is plotting doggie revenge…

Balls… Was just gonna suggest

as a “soundtrack”.

Great video Turningbluechips! Thanks for sharing. My dog makes me smile every day.

LOL! Thanks for sharing…

Heheh showed it to the family, they love it, again thanks for posting!

Well… we have failed to go viral (also I failed to upload the video with decent quality). I wasn’t the first to do it either so I’ve found out.

Shout out to the guy with the Aussie shepherd mix (I think?) in one of the linked videos. Good dog.