[bunch of knives for sale=USA only] Minimum order size slashed!

Well thanks for the promotional GAW :wink:
I do like Monty Python but have not memorized any of it except that “where is the fish” for it is great fun to tease our son when he is looking for something :smiley:

I think it is the combination of sale and GAW that makes it a bit tricky on this nice and friendly place. Who would want to enter without buying a knife?
And well for me, I use knifes so am happy with Ganzo/Enlan/etc knifes I get for max $14. Buying a special rare one for more is not for me, I don’t have a shelf to display them :wink:

I just had a look and it seems a lot has changed, I was last there as a regular lurker back in 2009!

2. To answer 3 tricky questions while having some fun and promoting a knife sale :slight_smile:


My quest is to take a horse to the water and make him drink it.

I always quest for tastier lumens.

I quest to have seven dollars more than the day before yore

I quest for the sake of questing.

I cannot enter because while i have a paypal account, i come from an alternate dimension which is technically a different universe :cry:
My quest is to meet the flying spaghetti monster (or get my birth certificate changed to say born on earth :innocent: )


Technically a different universe

7 cash dollars!

ok i am not following the rules
see if i win anyway :slight_smile:


We could make that our new motto :smiley:

Today (8-26-2017) is the last day to answer Question 2.



My favourite colour is the colour of my opponent’s face after I annihilate them.

My favourite colour is C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0

Arg, I totally forgot the dates and missed question 2.

Unless you were questing for sushi, in which case I answered on your behalf in post #28, that’s if the Keeper of the Bridge will allow it :wink:

Question 3. My favourite colour is :sushi: (It came in handy for post #28, hopefully the power of the mighty sushi emoji will continue to bode well for me) :smiley:

There’s no redemption for one who fails to answer the Keeper.
rocket-propelled into the deep dark abyss