Ended-Allmaybe Giveaway 3 New Chargers

Thanks for the giveaway Allmaybe!
I am in.

I am in

All but maybe

I am in!


I am in. Thanks for the giveaway.

Cheers David

I’m in.

Looks nice; if I get it, I’ll do quick review.

Cool little charger, thanks for doing this.

I am in!

I am in. Thanks

I am in. Thanks for GAW

I am in. Thank you.

I am in.

Nice wall charger.

I’m in. Thanks a lot :slight_smile:

I am in.

I am in.


I am in

I am in


I’m in. Thanks!

I am in, thanks.

I am in, thanks for the giveaway !

Thanks for liking the feature that can turn off the LCD. We understand that if having some light shining in dark sometimes is really annoying.

It is available on the following stores:

Amazon: Amazon.com
eBay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/332363633955