CRX Stratis Lumina - 2017 5th BLF Scratch Made Light Contest Winner

Looking good CRX. You are gong to have to get a thicker wallet to hold this credit card sized light.
I must of missed the bit about threading 2.5mm copper. How did you do it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Trade secret :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate that trade person. He has to many secrets. :beer:


Got some work done on the electrical components today.

First the UV array which will surround the quad emitters. Using an old P60 reflector as a guide I shaped some 1mm solid copper wire into a circle and cut to length so the diameter measures 24mm and soldered the ends together. I then used an old optic as a guide to mark out the eight flat top UV LED positions.

I cut the negative pins so the total length is just under 7.5mm then removed some red sheathing from 28AWG silicone wire and slid onto the positive pins & soldered each emitter into place on the side of the copper ring. I then bent the legs into shape and soldered on some extensions and a resistor for each LED then added some 28AWG wire to each for connecting and finally did a quick test :THUMBS-UP:

I will straighten the emitters up later.

I also got most of the other components ready with leads, resistors etc Is this all gonna fit?? :))

Today's Tune:

it will be a tight fit ! Will you drill holes for the UV leds around the optic hole on the top plate ?

The hole in the plate will be about 30mm, optic 24mm, LED’s 3mm each with 34mm x 2mm glass on top.

Brass insert tubes for the charge indicator and momentary switches installed today, 3mm OD, 2mm ID.

Shown here is also the copper heatsink block for the charger board.

Using 2mm solid acrylic rod to carry the charger indicator light to the exterior.

Hole slightly countersunk, brass tube epoxied in place and acrylic rod fixed in place.

The end of the rod at the charger LED's is sanded rough to reduce the TIR effect and carry more light.

Same technique for the top brass inserts with a temporary light source to show effect through the acrylic rod.

Today's Tune:


Nice. :+1:

Looks really good already :+1:

Thanks very much guys :BEER:

More switch details, a piece of 2mm acrylic rod cut to size and a few layers of aluminium tape around it for a guide for the GITD resin mix then kapton tape around that to create a well for the resin compound, this serves two purposes, keeping the plunger from falling out and it will also be internally charged from the UV array/ quad emitters.

Tape removed and the resin filed to shape.

Some copper around the acrylic for a very snug fit inside the brass switch slide tube. Silicone grease will also be applied in the tubes.

GITD effect on the switch.

These are such great ideas, and your pulling them off very well.

You must have good eye sight or good glasses. :slight_smile:

Beer Goggles :smiley:

Got the tritium locator switch made for the quad emitters with a 12mm x 2mm ice blue vial and 3mm copper tube plus some of the other fun stuff done :-)

Charger light operation.

Red LED test.

Today's Tune:

This is coming along nicley CRX.

Is there any chance of a picture of you switch assembly against a ruler? I know this is tiny but pictures dont really show that.

Centimetres :wink:

Thanks. Puts it into a better perspective. You wouldn’t want to be building that switch button with beer goggles on. :beer:

:smiley: True