pi-hole.net says BLF is a adblock test website!

I was just configuring my home DNS to block some advertisements that were being sent to our phones/tablets; the kind that lock up your phone, make it vibe and beep and text to speech “your phone has a virus” stuff.
Went to pi-hole to load up some test ad site links and found that BudgetLightForum.com is now known for its “very obtrusive advertisements”.
About half way down the page you will find BLF being listed as an obtrusive ad website.

Thought this was kind of funny since I previously complained about the obnoxious sponsored links and advertisement and now BLF appears to be recognized for these advertisements.

Not sure if BLF was aware that they are listed as being an ad test website or not so I thought I would share.

Edit: I wanted to add that the ad/malware blocking I was doing was not related to BLF in any way, just older people who keep misspelling websites in my house and clicking on other bad links that I had to stop after the thousandth time they asked me to fix their phone because faceback and footbook isn’t the website they wanted to go to and that animated and poorly worded picture offering free gems, lives, and pokecoins if you sign up also isn’t real.


I have several pi-holes, there are no issues with BLF. You can also whitelist BLF if there are any issues.

Check whether BLF is on here (it probably won’t)
“sudo nano /etc/pihole/blacklist.txt”

Add blf here:
“sudo nano /etc/pihole/whitelist.txt”

Nice eye, I didn’t notice they misspelled it. The actual URL link they provide still goes to: http://budgetlightforum.com/recent-posts and to: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/47536

I don’t have any problems with it. The only problem I have is with them listing BLF on their website and labeling it as a “very obtrusive” advertising website.
But on the other side it could be a good thing; no publicity is bad publicity. Their link is inadvertently supporting BLF by directing people to view the ads on BLF which is helping to support the forum.

I wouldn’t know a pi-hole from my …uh…any other hole, but I haven’t been experiencing any weirdness on any of my devices.

(My wallet has developed a noticeable hole, but I accept that as the price of admission. Looking at you here, M4D M4X. :person_facepalming: )

I understand, just looked up their summary and the way they present it they make our admin SB and BLF look bad. There are tons of forums with ads placed between posts, in PMs and with regular spam mail in your email inbox coming from the forum (including aff links).
They shouldn’t list BLF on there.

Something's wrong with BLF?

I’m joined a Facebook group called flashlight fanatics. Someone was looking for a driver for their Olight and I suggested researching on BLF. Then a Russian dude that says that offerings by BLF are not anything worth using and NONE of the drivers designed by BLF members is advanced enough for an Olight edc light. There are some pretty arrogant douches there. Like here as well so maybe they should discuss things?? Just sayin’.