Song of the Moment!!!!

Indeed. If you break it apart, there is nothing great about it, the lyrics, their voices, the instruments, etc. etc. but it's the prototypical kPop designed to get stuck in your head (at least it did for me).

Simply a beautiful rendition of a beautiful song .


Skills, thy name is Jake Shimabukuro... Holy Goose Bumps, I don't recognize the song but that was AMAZING!!!

Thx for sharing!

You don't recognize the song .... Oh man , I'm getting old ...

George Harrison was a guy in a little band from Liverpool ...


Ah, I'm just not very up to snuff on the Beatles (& the individual members). The only George Harrison music I listened to was more contemporary (during the 80's - I got my mind set on you... or something like that).

At first I thought it was Stairway to Heaven (another classic!) but it didn't quite sound right... This is good, thx again for sharing!

did recognize, didn't expect to like it but did

though not as much as the original ;)

whoa, they're new to me, i like!

imo, this sounds best REALLY, REALLY, obnoxiously loud

Lately I enjoy bass covers by kaBASS2009 very much , can't exactly tell why.... maybe he is just awesome ;-) .... anyhow

While my hipbone gently creaks ... laughing at turboBB who told Jacktheclipper that he didn't recognize the song....boy are you old

Impressive... what they could do if they could afford more instruments...

and totally deserves a parody...

That post made my day .

Two steps from hell

Do you know the real age of that girl? Say a number…

In the original I'd say about 40 years and 289 days .... roughly