Low-cost copper pills, spacers, optics, drop-ins (Updated 23/10/2022))

Sure that works too. Take my money

I wouldnt make more of such pills. I can think about spacers, but not sure that M8 (with brass pill) is suitable host for this.

Is the full pill too difficult to make or too expensive to sell? I know the M1 had the expensive optics and machining but people seem to like the quad kits dont they?

It is too difficult to make by small quantities. I cant get calibration tool for threads when they are not standart size, so pill should be machined and test fit and then again machined etc. until it fits.
I dont feel M1 or M8 host suitable for 24mm carclo optics when M2 is available. It is smaller, available as bare host, and imo looks great, specially with gitd o-ring. I think M2 kit was 3 times more popular then M1.

So, convoy m2 actually looks like the perfect host for small quad.

Will make them if will get enough requests.

I have a 24mm carclo optics in my M1 that I built a quad XPL-Hi. The optics is a bit on the small side though. Could be possibly 2mm-3mm larger and then It would cover the edge of the home made copper heatsink I made, but it works fine.

Thinking about more M2 kits (does liner ring requires changes or no).
Can anyone else confirm same problems?

Note 1: In my suppose stock thin o-ring was placed between bezel and glass lenses. I recommend to save this in quad mod.
Note 2: More recent version have already had thicker GITD o-ring

M2 is the situation

Can you put stock o-ring between glass and bezel?

Yes I know. I have already made improved version with bigger o-ring groove and gitd o-ring.
I mean can you fix stock o-ring between glass and bezel? (Is it proper size or no).

O-ring is smaller, not thick enough too.

Got it, will check original drawings and make changes.

Can you do a dropin for a c cell mag?

I dont feel Mag sets popular, but I can try to make any parts by custom drawing.

Any ideas how does same o-ring work with reflector?

I’m really curious what this will be. Any hints? :slight_smile:

I will make real photos soon. But Ive already posted teaser from 3d model.
This project is made to have different usage, in this case I have to provide it as compete or almost complete set. Sorry for delays and not so budget price, hope nobody would be dissapointed with this step-up.

I don’t think I’ll be disappointed. It’s actually really good that you are trying step up your game and I’m curious to see the finished project.