Agro's 2000 posts giveaway ( ENDED )

I’m in thanks!

Please consider me willing to accept a MT02!

i am in,thanks.

I like giveaways !
I might do a second one this year too…
Anyway, here is my first one so I guess I have two chance to win now ? :slight_smile:
Thanks again !

Yep :slight_smile:

I’d like be included in your GAW.


Count me in please.

My giveaway is not eligible so just a normal “I’m in” :slight_smile:

Count me in please, thanks for the giveaway!

Count me in thanks!

I’m in. Thanks

I’d like to be in, but have not made a GAW yet as of this time.

In please, thanks for the fun

I’m in. :slight_smile:

I´m in.Thanks!

I’m in, thanks for the GAW. :+1:

I am not in but congrats for move.

IN and thanks!

Thanks for nice GAW, and congrats on 2K posts. Count me in :+1:

A’ight, let’s do this. Thanks, Agro!