(prototype) the GT Mini

Sometimes when I try to turn on the light it recognizes one click as two and goes straight to turbo or recognizes 3 clicks and goes to battery check mode, that is frustrating, but overall I like this light.


Hereā€™s the video, you can see sometimes the problem occuring. https://photos.app.goo.gl/sAGa9NQv8kmXNQGi7

Yes same problem i have, the light is useless as its defective that way since its a gamble when it will turn on or off or even go turbo no matter if u click ten times not normal behaviour, send Neal a mail and ask for replacement head or something. Even if its just a few under 10 people so far out of 3-400 users its still not fun for the few of use that got the a defective light either at once or after a months useā€¦


Thanks! Iā€™ve sent him an email stating the switch issue.

No, his black button cover is rotated to the wrong position.

Yep Jasonā€¦. well said. :+1:
Especially when some of the bezels are glued ā€™extremely wellā€™ā€¦ to say the very least. :person_facepalming:

Still a lot to be said for driver retaining rings, threaded switch retaining rings, and no glue. :wink:


well so is mine, its not perfect centered the so called smiley :slight_smile: its a bit off but not as off as his no but stillā€¦.

I asked Neal if maybe a replacement head is an option to send, since that is easy just unscrew and it would probably work but if they dont want do that i have wasted 40$ on a light i will not use since its defective and warranty for a light thats 1 month old should cover normal useā€¦

Donā€™t worryā€¦ they will make it right. :wink:

Got reply from Neal, :+1:


Yepā€¦ told you it would work out. :slight_smile: . :+1: :+1:

I think I need a new head too, think Neal can help me with that? Mineā€™s damagedā€¦

Oh, weā€™re talking about flashlights arenā€™t we? :stuck_out_tongue:

Go to Ebay, you can find a new head there.

Take your pick my friendā€¦ :wink:

I might should choose the aluminum one, rough as I am on a headā€¦

PS: Also because Iā€™m a little soured on the whole beheading thing. :wink:

Just reviewing the GT mini for youtube, first thing Iā€™ve noticed is my GT has strobes from default. Nice light tbh, the aluminium is very very soft though.

Excellent choice IMOā€¦ā€¦ :+1: ā€¦ :beer: ā€¦ :wink:

They all do. I think Lumintop used a slightly different version of NarsilM than they were supposed to. Still v1.3.

3 valves per cylinder? The hell? Where is that head from?

Finally caving in and ordering a GT miniā€¦ question is, who has the best deal and fastest shipping?

I really donā€™t knowā€¦ it was just a ā€˜stock pictureā€™ with no info.