Guess the place (the game)

How close to the San Andrea’s fault are you ? We drove by you back in 2011 on our way to Oregon on I10.

About ten miles.

I have lived almost my entire life in California and have never experienced a large earthquake.

I've been in Palm Desert for four years, and I hope I magically avoid The Big One.

That sculpture of boys skinny dipping is in Singapore, by the Cavenagh Bridge.


I believe the sculpture's name is "First Generation" and it's by Chong Fah Cheong.

It’s pretty cool !

Here’s a famous clock:

The Giant Ghibli Clock, Tokyo, Japan

Yes !
The biggest clockwork in Tokyo.

Where is it?

First clue:

It's a type of club that I'm sure that every BLF member belongs to.

(If some people guess the club, I'll reveal what type of club it it.)

Second clue:

It's a yacht club in one of the richest nations on Earth.


cape cod

Nope, not Europe.

Right country.

Right ocean.

Wrong state.


sorry, didn’t read the prev post

Wilmington, NC

Not NC.

Third clue:

Although it's called a yacht club, there are no yachts there.

Fourth clue:

It's in New Jersey.
