What is the best looking/ most beautiful flashlight on the market?

Hey folks i thought id start a thread we can all learn about 1000 dollar flashlight we’ve never heard of :stuck_out_tongue:

In all seriousness what is the best looking flashlight on the market?

Of course we all like different lights so feel free to add pics and explain the beauty.

What shape and design and material do you find the most beauty in?

We can break this up in to categories if you want or just chose one? Best looking SS, Copper, Titanium and best anodized lights?


I am going for the BLF D80 straight up i like the shape and lines and the grey anodizing looks awesome.

Probably something made out of mokuti, and with a fairly minimalist exterior.

Maybe like this but without all the grooves and knurlings.
I’d also prefer a larger size (this one is only 18350), and a more subtle clip.

Green Emisar D4S.

I have a copper Convoy S2+ on the way.

I’m sure it’s not the best looking ever, but the best looking flashlight I own is the cyan Emisar D4 with 18650 tube. I love the colour, the proportions, and even the texture. :open_mouth:

Images from mtnelectronics.com and intl-outdoor.com

Agreed, it would be wicked looking without all that knurling and what not. Muyshondt makes some perty lights.

Copper S2+ IMO.

Does it have to be currently available? Or is an older design also fine?

For today I would say, the Hanko designs are one of the nicest!

(taken from Hanko machineworks Facebook)

not so much a fan of those clips though

Images don’t do it justice, but GT Mini is a real cutie.

Oveready BOSS 70 :heart_eyes:

Spy 007

Damn, 3000 bucks :open_mouth:

If the D4S was available in cyan it would have gotten my vote instead of green. A cyan body would need different coloured aux lights.

The feel of an Emisar is unmatched. The knurling is just right. The anodising texture is superior to any of my other lights.

Photo from intl-outdoor

Emisar lights are definitely pretty. My favorite so far has to be the Eagle Eye X6 and X5 shape. I like simple, clean designs that include both curvy shapes and straight edges/lines.

Prometheus Delta Timascus

for sub 50$

i think this is the best, no agressive looking, no skull, just pure, and i like that golden ring most

I’d love a similar design, but with triple LED, 18650 and a tail e-switch… made by Lumintop too…
Guess we’ll never see it unfortunately :innocent:

I see what you’ve done there :smiling_imp: :smiley:

The timascus flashlight is gorgeaus :heart_eyes: