[08-Mar-2012] New SPAM mitigation scheme in place

Spam test #3 is gone.

I got captca tested too.

I like it.


Thanks, as usual, for all of your efforts.

My thanks for what is a thankless job... keep up the good work!

Good work!


nice work thanks. hope it works good.

Even I don't like the captchas, I like the way you handled this spam issue: It will make our community even better!

Edit: This message didn't require captcha. Is it only once / session? Or even better: Once / user?

Thank you Mr. Admin!

Each member should receive a free calculator.



Whoo hoo! It is a never ending battle, but it sounds like we have a good approach in place.

Cool. Thanks for your work. :)

I suppose those text-based captchas should work for those with visual impairments as well, so that's good.

Thanks, sb!

Looks like a good plan!

Awesome, great work. Thanks again for keeping the best site on the net alive.

I'm glad the rash of spamming will finally be over :)

It seems a good solution. Thanks
