[2018-11-30] Report post button

Thanks for the question, I guess I should have made that clear a long time ago. Nope, BLF is rather unique in the sense that it is a large forum with precisely one (1) moderator. I do wear a lot of hats, but fortunately you guys and gals usually make it pretty easy for me. And this fact really underscores the critical importance of the semi-automatic “community moderation” buttons that are in place. In a certain sense it could be said that you are all moderators, so I appreciate the help.

Very true. I’m definitely willing to cut people some slack in that respect. We’re all only human.

Thanks very much! My pleasure.

Ah, very interesting. I’ve been convinced for a while now one other very popular member was some sort of mod here as he/she has stated, more than once, that they’re somehow responsible for thread moderation (specifically regarding SPAM posts not caught by the filter / spam button).

So to confirm 100%, NO ONE else shares ANY mod duties, in ANY capacity?

P.s. Thank you for everything, BLF is like no other internet community I’ve ever been a part of (hopefully it’s obvious I mean that as the highest of compliments)


Thank you very much!

Thanks for all you do :+1:
Mind the 6th needs stickied :wink:

Ah, thanks for the reminder, I just sticky’d this post.

What about Surefire worshippers? :wink:

Oops, sorry, gotcha now. :innocent: Also sticky’d.


Since your implementation of the “Rude” button, Ive noticed a steep decline in the number of infantile trolls and their collaborators. This saddens me, because I had organized a hunting part to decapitate them and shrink their heads to add to my collection. That aside, I still enjoy the fruits of my labors while clicking the “Mark as Spam” button. Its so satisfying to click, then receive a response that the thread can no longer be found. You could probably charge a fee for its use and collect bitcoins! :smiling_imp:

I too was under the impression there was more than one moderator. Its good to know that isnt the case. We accept you as judge, jury, prosecutor and hangman. Again, there are bitcoin opportunities in there for you!

Yes, yes! Ban all threads related to Surefire! If the word is used in this forum, the system should immediately delete the offending account with all its comments, then block the IP and MAC. Yes! That sounds great! And… may as well add another trigger of the same consequence for “CPF”. That horrible menace of dictatorial servitude should never be mentioned, and is easily the most offensive vernacular that could ever be posted anywhere. But since their mods are typically “Rude”, how would we “Report” them with the new changing of the button? Maybe several additional buttons could be created to cover a large number of adjectives and pronouns, with the ability to choose more than one! Indeed, there are many things to ponder, as we pour ourselves another while contemplate such irritating vagaries. :smiley:

All in good fun! As always, thank you for all your hard work in keeping the gears turning for the rest of us mere groundlings. It’ll be interesting to see how others interpret the “Report” button and find ways of abusing it. Hopefully, it makes your job easier as the membership and number of posts continues to grow.

Someone observed a few years ago that “it’s not the trolling, it’s the biting” —- a caution about being hooked that I found very cautionary.

Some of us try to “warn” others of impending doom, rather than summarily mark posts “Rude!” (now “Report”). I’m guilty of that. I feel like the “Report” button has enough weight to it that I don’t want to wield it unnecessarily. I try to give people the benefit of doubt that maybe they don’t know and just need to be made aware. So… are you saying you don’t want us to give this kind of “heads up” but just mark the post and let them figure it out on their own? I can do that, if that’s what you want. But it feels like bringing a gun to a “rap battle”.

seems a good thing to allow ppl to report to you any transgressions they perceive by others.
as opposed to chastising them theirselves with no letter of marque behind them

:+1: good change

@FlashPilot: Thanks for the kind words! I’ll be sure to add another “Report Surefire” button per your request. :slight_smile:

Nice! I should make that the new BLF slogan.

@DavidEF: That’s a good question. I didn’t mean to be dismissive of such efforts to deescalate a situation, and I have indeed noticed those gentle nudges at times. If somebody can do so without further riling the offender and without getting emotionally pulled into the argument then I guess I don’t see any problem.

I'm sure the Report button will provide you with plenty of entertainment.

Was joking ... never used the rude button

I feel the reason Trolling/Very bad behavior is impacted so much by a Report button is because it is a quantifiable number.

People like having no negative numbers, since it keeps dopamine levels high.

In another way though, it’s a kind of self-censorship. I’ll let you think on that one :slight_smile:

Oh, I’m not official, unless you mean officially full of myself. :wink:

… as, I assume, are all the other people who talk as if they’re in charge… or feel that their presence is required in every discussion… or assume nearly every post is about or directed at them.

It’s especially fun when we get several in the same thread. But when that happens, it’s probably best to just report the worst bits and wait until everyone is done beating their chests at each other. They’ll generally calm down eventually.

In general, the guideline I’d suggest for whether to post something is: If saying it would escalate a conflict, don’t do it. But if you can de-escalate a conflict, it might be worth saying. Or if it’s otherwise interesting, insightful, informative, productive, or entertaining, say it. Just… don’t initiate or escalate conflicts.

1 Thank

Sorry, that got longer than intended.

TL;DR: It’s a lot easier to make a mess than to make a thing of value. Don’t be that guy who goes around making messes. Try to add value instead.
