CRX Stuff for Sale

Of course! Just bring some more of your creations on! :money_mouth_face:

So, I got my CRX flashlight today :wink:

I wanna thank you CRX for the patience and for sending it to me along with the “compatible” protected (homemade) 18350 battery :wink:

I am really happy with it, as I really like this (type of) flashlight!! As always, you took it to another level :crown:

The anodizing is slightly different as they are from different batches (I like the darker one :D, on top or left, the CRX light)!

On the right photo, I compared how low the RRT01s can be, when compared to the lowest level of Emisar D4 and a Convoy S2+ triple with guppy3drv (driver from MTN) on mode FF mode! The luminosity is so low that it seems that the lights are out even when the others are on the minimum level :smiley:

Left - “normal” RRT01; Right - CRX RRT01!!!

Again, thank you mate!!! :+1: :beer: :partying_face:

EDIT: Corrected the indication about the beams! Right is CRX RRT01 and Left is the normal one :smiley: Thanks jon_slider :wink:

I was just going to go for No,1 The Jetbeam.
BUT… wife just found my bank statement for last month. $180 so far on torches.
Lay low for a coupla weeks methink’s.

My crx nu20 finally made it! Took about 2 months hehe. Well worth the price and wait though! Probably my most unique light of my collection. Thanks crx!
Here it is on my desk leg.

Wow that took a while, but cool :+1:

Hi! I’ll take the copper tube light please.


Not sure how all your mods work but any chance you’ll be doing another RRT-01 anytime soon? What do you think of the new RRT-01 2019 version?



yes, Clemence is working on a kit to convert the new RRT-01 to High CRI triple E21a

meanwhile Vinh is offering new RRT-01 modded to single LEDs of various types

thanks Jon. this could then surely compliment Vinh’s RRT 01 ‘White1’.

I’ll take that nitecore tip cri assuming shipping to u.s. isn’t too much.

I’ll take that CF Convoy if you still have it!


I’ll take the Astrolux Ti3A and some glow bling. Pm sent.

Can’t believe I missed this one :cry:

PM sent on SGN3

I received my package from across the pond today. Its amazing how bright you got that Ti3A. All the glow items are top notch too.
Thanks so much CRX. :beer:

Received the Mecharmy mod yesterday, real fancy for such a tiny light!

Glow gaskets for the FW3A are impressive!

:open_mouth: Can’t go on this one, but good luck with the sale! :wink:

Can’t believe you’ll let the Paladin go! :open_mouth: Amazing light, amazing work, priceless mate!!!

Good deal on that FW3A, CRX. :+1:

Bump for a great seller!

I’m surprised to see the your custom FW3A Triple XP-L HI 3D still availible. I’m tempted every time I see it. I’m proud of myself for resisting this long. Somebody needs to buy this quick :disappointed:


The knives are what I can’t believe are still there, they cost over double those prices in the U.K.