Test/review of MPIFR 18650 1500mAh (Gray)

MPIFR 18650 1500mAh (Gray)

Official specifications:

  • Type: IFR MUB18650 1500mAh

  • Nominal Capacity: 1500mAh

  • Nominal Voltage: 3.2V

  • Size: Diameter 18±0.2mm X Height 65±0.5mm

  • Net Weight: 40g

  • Max charge voltage: 3.70V

  • Max continuous charge current: 1500mA

  • Max continuous discharge current: 3000mA

  • Discharge cut-off voltage: 2.0V

  • Internal impedance: (20±2°C) <60mOhm (50% charged)

  • Operation temperature: Discharge: –20°C ~ 70°C, Charge: 0°C ~ 70°C

  • Cycles: above 1000 (0.2C to 3.7V till the charge current is less than 0.01C. 0.2C to 2.0V when discharge)

A LiFePO4 18650 cell, the capacity is fairly limited, but the lifetime rating is good.

The discharge curves match fine and as usual for LiFePO4 the discharge voltage is very constant. The batteries are only rated for 3A and they handle that easily.


This battery works fine, but capacity is limited. The 3A rating looks rather conservative.

Notes and links

How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries

Thanks HKJ!

This looks to be a decent cell. However, it would be nice if some manufacturer could get a LiFePO4 18650 up to at least 2000mAh. The voltage range is perfect for modern low Vf emitters.

Perhaps discharge current rating is underrated to ensure good cycle life?