*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

I’m considering gifting too. With the relatively low current, built in charger, and cells running in parallel, this should be a safe light for people not too familiar with lithium cells.

Put me on the list one for sure. Possibly two. Thanks!

Yep … a few for gifts and a few for friends. Great endeavor. I am very pleased with the final results.

I have tried so hard to resist, but I’m asking to be put on the list for two more please. I had one already, so this will make three.

Yeah, I agree with you guys; the final result is pretty amazing. :+1:
These should make killer gifts for the right people who will put them to good use. :beer:

Very Nice!
Please put me down for 3 more.
a total of 4. Thanks!

Regarding the GITD o-ring. What would the dimensions need to be? Roughly speaking.
I know 42mm OD x 1.5mm GITD o-rings are quite common (Fasttech for example) but they’re obviously too small for our purpose. I think
So the Q8 head is 59mm but the body is 50mm? So would something in the 50mm ballpark work?
Edit: Looks like I forgot what the LT1 looks like and how large the head is. So something closer to 60mm is probably needed? Or even bigger?

One of the largest I found was a “50mm” GITD o-ring from crazy-factory.
Due note they’re sized to fit snugly on plugs of the stated size hence the quote marks on the size. It’s thickness isn’t listed either so it might be a 1mm jobbie which would a bit wimpy.

Just for shit’s and giggles, here’s something a bit chunkier, a GITD hood latch which dimensions according to the description are 50mm OD x 5mm.
If someone’s interested in those, looks like they’ve got a discount on their website. 3$ for 2 and 5$ for 4 (instead of 6.5$ for 4 on Ebay).
A bit too expensive for me as they come from the USA. 13-15$ for shipping, oof.

I like the sleek look of the first prototype, but the new design is probably more practical. It seems it should weigh a bit less and it’s nice how the handle can be folded in. It might make things a little weird for how I usually carry it though; I tend to loop the handle over two fingers. Not sure what to think about the bumper; will have to see it.

Not that it really matters but the 2 you requested in post #4932 brings you up to 8 total.

Please put me down for 1 more, a total of 2
I regularly go for a walk in the catacombs of Paris, acetylene lamps are very popular down there.

I think the BLF LT1 will be a hit there.

Thanks for the reminder … I am aware … Eight (8) total for me and my pals … :beer:

These lanterns will come in handy in deep dark Baja Mexico.

In case anyone is interested 1,142 people have expressed an interest in 1,722 lanterns broken down as follows:

#people lanterns total lanterns
756 1 756
268 2 536
72 3 216
32 4 128
6 5 30
4 6 24
2 7 14
1 8 8
1 10 10

Hello fellow cataphile !

Those are cool!

I can understand wanting to see the catacombs one time. But regular walks? :disappointed:

Please add me for one….thanks!!

Very nice!
I’m interested.

I’ve read a bunch, but had a question. Is it possible to activate just one side of the lamp so that if you are holding it, you are not getting light back at you? Thanks and apologies if this was addressed.

No, but an accessory reflector is being worked on for that purpose.

its 360 degrees of light only, but im working on designing a side reflector for an accessory kit that will direct light in one direction.