
[video:v=Boy Eats Drum Machine - Dee Leet - YouTube]

Dee Leet

  1. report (an offense or crime).
    "they may delate my slackness to my patron"

I should of known better, good job guys!

I have a lot of knives that I really like, but my favorite is the Kershaw Leek 1660...

Any relation?

In times like this, encore for my favorite:

That one is funny.
On a UN-tour in Mali two men were killed and one man severely wounded because of a defective grenade. Investigators found that the army’s sourcing departent knew there was a faulty batch. But there’s no dedicated form for reporting an obvious defect on an XYZ123b-IIf/15 grenade, so no action was taken. Because of this “there’s a hole in my bucket” attitude, the Dutch Secretary of Defence and a high ranking general resigned. Nothing happened to the stock clerks and pencil pushers who could have prevented this drama, but didn’t.

@KawiBoy1428: :+1: :beer:

@Geuzzz :smiley: :+1:

Is it gone yet?


I wrote a very funny & witty comment but I deleted it.

or a Flashatic.

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