With the release of the D4v2, is there the possibility of a D1Sv2 coming shortly? If so, what changes would be made?

I’m planning on buying a D1S very soon, however I’m very interested in waiting a bit to see whether Hank releases a D1Sv2. Im not sure how old the light is, compared to the D4, but I do think it’s been out for a while now. The main changes I’d like to see would probably be a 21700 cell, and different stock emitter options. The new improved anodising would be a big bonus too.

Ooooo…. Pretty. I’ll need one of those.

Oh my God that’s amazing! I’ve never seen aux emitters in a reflector light! I need one! If I did get a D1S, would this be a feasible mod?

I NEED a D1S green!!!

I would love a 21700 d1s! I know 21700s are still pretty new to us flashaholocs and a small 21700 pocket thrower is missing from the line up so far, I bet it’d sell well.

I would be happy with a standard D1S that used a ST-20 5000K emitter.