[M4D deal] FW3T Titanium Stonewashed - Interest list open

That should be great option for modders, 219B for example

The SST-20 5000k/6500k is the most efficient in a light like the FW3A.

Actually I think XPL HI is the most efficient (in terms of lumens per watt). It produces more lumens and less heat than even the cool white SST-20.

The cool white SST-20 is throwier though. In terms of lux per watt it might be more efficient.

No, it’s actually more efficient.

Up until 5A, the SST-20 is more efficient than the XP-L HI.

Is it possible to buy a non stonewashed FW3Ti?

Interested in one with HiCRI Samsung LH351D

Surprising result. I had a lot of respect for SST-20 and now I have even more.
Note that TA has tested V2 bin while the top one from Hank is V4 and normally V3.
Also, TA lumens may be significantly different from maukka ones, either higher or lower.

Assuming TA lm = maukka lm V4 would be more efficient in FW3T Turbo. But without this assumption it’s not so sure…
I think it would be interesting to compile some direct comparisons…

Noooooo! :smiley:
Or at least make it an option.

I am interested in a FW3T stonewashed, only if FET is NOT deactivated…

Not sure we can generalize a whole lot from that since the testing was done by 2 different people. Were they both using Maukka calibrated spheres?

At the time, no.

Maukka is more precise and accurate, and usually has lower numbers than TA.

Interested in 1 FW3T Stonewashed.

Warm white (XPL-HI 7A, SST-20 3000K - whichever is available), but can emitter swap if not available.


Interested in one F3WT stonewashed.

Interested in 1 stonewashed FW3T (SST-20 4000K).

the polished + copper will be ready in a few weeks

Will there be the rainbow titanium FW3As?

interested, but more interested if there would be a stonewashed with copper head

Interested. Would buy one for sure if I could get a copper shelf separately. Yes, I’m going to get a polished/copper for sure.

I really hope we can lego all versions of this light. And get some parts separately.

I want 1 FW3T stonewashed 100%