What do you season your popcorn with?

I usually don’t eat unhealthy carbs - but when I do, I make my corn with Canadian maple syrup.

Johnn’y Season salt and butter … :+1:

Raccoon, you eat potato chips, popcorn and probably other unheatlhy food. Man, you shoud consider it and start reading labels. I know this is none of my business but we know from time to time we must sadly bid farewell member of BLF. I don’t want any member to be in such situation.
Food is something of your choice (it’s harder to influence air we breathe or water we use) and it’s up to you how much of your live time you’ll waste due to bad food. The truth is nowadays cancer bacame up to 80% of deaths causes, while in seventies it was around 40%. Food additions are usually chemical mixtures with which our digestive system is coping poorly. Food became spiked with all the preservatives, colorants, stabilizers, subtitutions etc.
Some say scientists have set permissible concentrations of each addition. Yes, but there are no research on cumulated effect of all taken chemicals a day, a week or a month. So it’s very likely that the negative effect of taking one chemical compound will be multiplied by another, taken from another piece of food. We’ll know it in a few year because the research cannot be conducted on humans. So investigated are only cases that already took place. So it takes time to build a database and draw conclusions.
Such ‘inventions’ turnover is quite common: look a the plastic bags, azbestos, freon, and many other things that once were announced a great development but after years scientists admitet their bad influence spoilt the advantages.
Raccoon, please change your feeding habits. As years pass by, it’s going to be more and more difficult for your body to deal with all these chemical pollutions in food. Pancreas, stomach, liver, duodenum cancers are pretty nasty and are often a result of a bad diet.
And a humble request: please do not promote such food. US has an awfoul food standards, living there my appearience changed as if I was taking steroids.
Please eat unprocessed food with no additives. Fresh meat from local farmer, veggies, fruits. Avoid big markets as they all add preservatives (also to fresh fruits: sulphur dioxide).

Man, I’m just shaking on your health. We want you here as long as possible.

(forgive this preach, aiming only in your living longer)

This gal knows how to make healthy popcorn … :slight_smile:

The best popcorn I ever ate was in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
They mixed the popcorn with some specific condensed milk! Amazing, simply amazing!!!

My popcorn is usually seasoned with a little blf drama

Salt and pepper or Sometimes with Chile valentina (Mexican hot sauce) and lemon juice then shake it until its evenly distributed.

I’m going to try this … sounds delicious.

Let me know what you think of it :smiley:

Will do … I going to buy a bottle of Valentina today and try it tonight.

I’m not sure you know what popcorn actually is.

I’m partial to the maple syrup on popcorn, I like kettle corn. I’ve also tried melting my own butter and pouring that on the natural style popcorn.

This kind:

Air popped. salted, drizzled with real butter, then baked for about 30 minutes to remove the moisture from the butter and make it crispy ( I live in a very high humidity environment, so baking is crucial).
I’ve tried clarifying the butter first, but I don’t like the change in flavor. Even using low heat gives butter a toasty flavor which is good in some dishes but I don’t like it on my popcorn.
In moderation, corn and butter are perfectly healthy.
I bake the popped corn in this perforated pan in a convection oven to evenly distribute the heat. I take my popcorn seriously.

Also, I eat chips and popcorn and ice cream and nachos and all o’ that junk. I also drink beer and eat red meat. I’m pretty active and my numbers are all within the target ranges doctors recommend. It’s about moderation and variety. I also bike and run and hike. I’m not into the whole food shaming thing, especially when a car can kill you quicker than a burrito will. On the other side of that, I’m not interested in reaching some centenarian level age where I’m barely mobile. I’m enjoying life now, while my faculties afford enjoyable exploration and adventure. The cancer will probably kill us all anyway. Cheers.

Could happen, but you still can influence if it happens sooner or later. Life becames more precious if you already know how much time you have left.
Anyway, true wishes of long and healthy lives for all of you my friends. And a humble proposal to change habits while it still may take effect.

I dunno, this one looks looks pretty sinister to me… :wink:

So I totally understand the good intentions of 1stein’s post, but I’d really prefer for this thread to be limited to the topic of exploded grains, extruded grains, sodium chloride, possibly combined with C6H12O6, dihydrogen monoxide, hydroxylic acid, C
, and other similar chemicals. Burros are also permitted in this conversation, although I can’t seem to find their chemical formula. :slight_smile: Seriously though, controversial health topics never end in a positive tone here, so it’s always best to avoid them.

That burro might need some tenderizing if I’m sprinkling it on my popcorn. I hear that’s how they do it in France.

I don’t think you’re going to have any popcorn left if that guy is anywhere nearby. Just look at that expression on his face… “I just ate all your popcorn and I’ll do it again if necessary.”

I use grated cheese and garlic powder, sometimes add some Franks RedHot. Also, sometimes I will use my favorite Cajun seasoning.