What step down for Astrolux FT03?

I have both versions
Finally figured out how to do Narsil.
Got the blinkies enabled!!

So now, the choices for stepdown are:

  1. disabled
  2. temp (default)
  3. up to seven minutes.

Which is best for me to choose? I know temp is the default, and disabled might eat the emitter, but isn’t 7 minutes also way too long?
Some experienced opinions please.



Anyway, I’d stick with temp-controlled. Allows for variances whether using it in scorching summer heat or freezing winter arctic blasts.

Sorry, i was just bumping up the post. I disabled temp control on my ft03 xhp50 because it steps down too fast. I tried setting the temp manually to a point where it’s almost unbearable but it still steps down quickly, and I’m not even on max ramp.