Decent Protected 18650s for TK61?

Hey everyone its Mikeadoo your favorite million question guy :stuck_out_tongue:

I have the Fenix TK61 and like it a lot. Tint pretty cool white but I am looking for some decent 18650 protected batteries to use in this.

I have been told the PannyB’s are old (something about chemicals or whatever theyre made of)…. My memory isn’t the greatest.

Anyway my Panny B’s have been used in single cell lights and I believe the TK61 is series if that matters? So when 1 cell dies, the whole light pretty much dies correct?

Just looking for some good protected cells. They dont have to be the absolute greatest. I use this light a lot during power outages and camping, searching, long hikes and for FUN of course!

BTW, sorry if this is in the wrong area. Been a while since ive been on BLF

any recommendations would be appreciated :slight_smile:



Tbh, if you buy a new set of 18650s from a reputable dealer and marry them together you shouldn’t need protected cells. I’d just get four 30q’s from and call it good. Just keep an eye on them when recharging, if you suspect any of the cells going bad get a new set.

3-4 years back, my buddy ordered a TK61 from Vinh and it was v.3, but that got delayed to v.3.5 and then he received v.4.0. He bought Vinh’s cells, but I can’t recall if they were button tops, BT/protected, or purely naked cells.

Find out if you need button tops and then the sky’s the limit. Sanyo-Panasonic NCR-Gs and you should be fine. You should be able to locate them with button tops.


This light is 2S2P and can use either flat or button tops.

The TK 61 does not use much current, like Chris said the sanyo / panasonic GA 3500,s are about as good as it gets.

Thanks OM, as I couldn’t remember. He sent the light down to me in Los Angeles while I was visiting my family and I fiddled with it for a few days, but I just don’t recall the configuration, or the cells, but I’m sure that they were protected, since I think that’s what Vinh was supplying.

His version bumped things up a bit, but that was four years ago and cells have gotten better.


I had to have a quick look at my tk 75 to be sure of the configuration. I remembered the extension kits fitted both the TK 61/75 and you could fit 3 or more to try and out gun a 7D maglite in a longest light competition.