XTAR VP4 Plus Dragon full review

Your comments/suggestions are welcomed!

What a fresh charger! :slight_smile:
You took it from the museum to write a review? :slight_smile:

Thanks for the review. I have this charger and I completely forgot about the probes. I will look for them and use them.

I like this charger alot. Once I figured it out, it’s very simple to use.

From this message thread on another forum (this message by Xtar is already many months ago, early part of this year 2019):

I notice there is already a new model Xtar VP4C (I think it’s a USB-powered version of the formerly AC-powered Xtar VP4 charger).

But I wonder if the Xtar Dragon VP4 Plus upgraded successor, as per above, to be named “Xtar Dragon VP4 Pro” has been released, or they didn’t continue doing this upgraded model?

Isn’t this review from 2017 — it says “new”?

Yes, the YouTube video is from 2017. Great charger, have also had one for a couple of years.

No Data Output Port. :person_facepalming: Next.