How does anduril measure temperature and voltage?

Most anduril compatible drivers doesn’t use analog inputs for battery and temperature monitoring. How does it work?

I am not familiar with Andruil FW but Attiny MCUs can compare the input voltage (VCC - pin8) to an internal 1.1v reference in order to calculate the VCC

Attiny25 and 85 have an internal temperature sensor for measuring temp, If there is an option to measure temp using Attiny13 I would love to know

Most of the Atiny series controllers have a temperature sensor on the chip.

ATtiny16? Never heard of it. 1617, 1634 and so on, yes, but not plain 16.

I meant Attiny13 phone keyboard is too small (edited original comment)

Then I’ll quote and respond to your edited comment:

There is. It’s a bit of a pain and eats a lot of the precious flash space but it is doable. Some info on my tests here: ATTiny13a tempurature monitoring without additional components. (image host links don’t work anymore).
Unfortunately I don’t have that code left though, it was so long ago I did anything with the 13a and I’ve gone through multiple ATtiny’s since then (currently on the ATtiny 3217). I suggest you move on from that little 13a you too.