Coronavirus **personal experiences** thread

Are you guys sure the OP states China Post? Maybe it’s not there… but the virus makes you think it’s there… because YOU’RE INFECTED.

Good talk about the situation seen from insine China:

Thank you CheapThrills. That’s an excellent video about the health situation in China.

In the first video, at about 9:50, one the guy on the right says:

“The washing of hands with soap … is a rarity in China …. there is no soap in hospitals …”


That first video includes a pointer and link to:
Laowhy86’s initial video covering the virus: China's Coronavirus is Much Worse Than You Think - YouTube

I’m going to start spraying Lysol on all my packages and items coming from China…

Fantastic video and what a great view into Chinese life and food culture.

Those guys at about the 57 minute mark dismiss the concerns about goods shipped from China.

I posted this link in another thread here:

I’m safe ,all the packages I get from China, I will not open them. :+1:

I don't think the virus will travel far via mail.

I do think it will travel pretty far person to person, unless something big changes, like a vaccine being developed.

A rep from the CDC said there’s a 6 foot danger zone from a infected person that coughs or sneezes.
I’d like to think it would be more if a person really rips a good “AAAaaaaaahhh CCChhhhooooooooo !!!

Are you serious? Are you saying you don’t believe that plagues are dangerous to society, and that today with jet travel, germs can travel globally well within their incubation period?

No I don’t think the world is ending, but yes, this is a disease breakout and needs affirmative action to quarantine and stop.

Check out this vid at about 1:20 it talks about the wet market conditions where the virus likely originated. It’s scary.

Hepatitis C remains infectious for up to 6 weeks, outside of the body, if kept at room temperature on a surface. Every virus is different, but there surely are some that remain infectious beyond a few minutes.

“A recent study by researchers from the Yale Schools of Medicine and Public Health revealed that the hepatitis C virus (HCV) can remain infectious for up to 6 weeks on surfaces at room temperature—resulting in a much longer period for potential transmission than was previously appreciated.” HHS Blog Posts |

Don't put your flashlight in your mouth ..."Oh " wrong thread !!

Well… Iam afraid to order anything from china now… What i read, its pretty dangerous thing… They report something from Vienna already….

Apparently we’re not the only ones with questions about parcels from China.
People are asking questions about it. This is an integral Q&A from an on-line newspaper if an infected warehouse worker can include something in the parcel you certainly did not order:


Ik heb iets besteld in de Chinese webshop Alibaba. Kan een eventueel besmette inpakker het virus via het pakketje aan mij doorgeven?

Nee, aldus het RIVM. “Coronavirussen verspreiden zich via mensen en dieren. Buiten het lichaam kunnen ze niet goed overleven. Zeker niet op karton, verpakkingsmateriaal of andere spullen.” En er is geen reden om te denken dat dit coronavirus een uitzondering is.


Bottomline of the RIVM (national institute for public healt and environmental hygiene):
Cornona viruses spread through people/animals. They have difficulties surviving outside a body.
Certainly on cardboard and packing materials. There’s no indication THIS strain is an exception.

So… There is no danger?

There is always dangers in everything, so be cautious.

I copied this paragraph from one of the latest reports coming out of China.

“In an unprecedented move, officials have locked down several cities in Hubei, including Wuhan. But the cities weren’t sealed off
until after millions of residents had scattered around the country to visit family for the annual Lunar New Year holiday.”

From what I’ve read so far, medical researchers seem to agree the virus has a 4 to 6 day incubation period in the body.
The infected person during that time usually shows no symptoms and may be unaware they are a carrier.
Chinese New Year was on the 25th, by the end of the month, a lot more cases should surface.

Wash your hands.

Don’t touch your mouth, nose, eyes.

Wash your hands again.

Make sure public restrooms have soap.