Do you have Asperger syndrome ?

Hm, that’s just one condition I’m suffering from, according to my wife. She is a trained nurse, and since she is in an “education permanente”, discovers something new about me every day.

She, on the other hand, is still as purdy as she was on the first day she developped some kind of tiny feet and crawled out of that puddle.

About the only syndrome I have is dyslexia… and it’s not persistent. Just on occasion. I’d heard that very creative people are often dyslexic. Unfortunately, it makes some of us prone to attention deficits, and quickly lose patience with tedious tasks. I could NEVER be an accountant. I’d shoot myself in the head.

No but I do have mild prosopagnosia. I’ve done a few on-line tests to confirm what I long suspected. I’m not good at recognising faces, especially out of context.

Had to look that one up. I have a hard time recognizing people, especially when they drive past in cars and on bicycles. But I can recognize people from far, just because of the way they walk. Even without a dog by their side. Being a dog owner for over 30 years I always thought I had some kind a dog like mindset (not kidding).

I totally get it. I met my cousin somewhere in public once and she said hi. I said who are you? She said I’m your cousin. And then I said ummm which one? And she got a little offended about it.

Huh. Hadn’t heard of that one before. I have a very good ability of recognizing faces, to the point where I have a problem of conflating faces with similar looking celebrities. I’ve had friends who, to my eye, would always remind me of Jay Leno, Jimmy Fallon, Will Ferrell, Jeanine Garofalo, Winona Rider, George W. Bush, Diane Feinstein, Chevy Chase, and Jack Black. To name a few. Not that I’d actually confuse them, but I just can’t stop thinking of the similar celebrity when I see them. I wonder if there’s some formal name for this affliction?

I can understand if you rarely ever see her. But if you saw her last Thanksgiving or winter holiday… yeah, can understand her being offended. :wink:

The savant aspect. :student:

There’s a movie out about a remarkable lady named Temple Grandin that has autism.

Nope, and that’s an official diagnosis, i’ve been tested.

Did you reply?
Did you explain why you don’t have it?
Did you explain why you might have it? (other than being a pompous asshole who wants a cover for their terrible behavior)
Welp….you probably gots it. Or ADHD at the very least (itself now classified on the Autism spectrum). I have terrible ADHD, and still have to take medication in order to have a somewhat ‘normal’ life and do what others do daily with no trouble…it’s a miracle and good luck I can work up the energy to focus enough to feed and clothe myself when off my meds. Seriously. It’s bad. Even things I like I can’t do for too long when off the med. Watching a movie I waited for years to finally come out? Insurance is causing issues at the pharmacy? Movie has to wait. Hell, I get distracted and my mind wanders off when having sex with my gf. SERIOUSLY. Point is, yes, at 37 yrs old I STILL haven’t outgrown it, and I’m telling you guys, a bunch of yall have at least mild cases of it. (they are universally almost always are smarter- I’m one of the smartest people you’ll meet, I’ve been told this too many times to count and I just know it, as pompous as it sounds. the downside is I’m the most impulsive, immature, and UN-WISE people you will ever meet. When I was a kid I wanted to be as smart as my grandfather and set about it, in a way. Very, very recently I finally realized I wasn’t chasing the right attribute of his- I was seeking knowledge while wanting wisdom. Decent side effect result either way.)

NO!!! And iffn you don’t stop asking me…I’ll sic my dog on your assburger!

Mmmmmmm, assburger…


Just curious why Asperger syndrome was chosen for this survey. Seemed so random, with all the different mental health illnesses/syndromes out there.

I personally have two mental health illness diagnoses, but Asperger is not one of them.

The idea came from a post by a member who disclosed that he discovered late in life being affected by Asperger, i always suspected the proportion of aspies would be bigger in the flashlight hobby community than the general population.

I thought it could also help some undiagnosed people unaware of this condition to eventually understand what makes them different.

Cool! I can certainly appreciate that.

I know the feeling of being/feeling different. Sometimes what I say or post can be off the wall, but not in a bad way. Just off topic or out in left field, LOL. I’m a mellow person with “a beautiful mind” (referring to the movie).

So…. I’d like to be sensitive, and please feel free to call me out if I’m not.

A cursory google search brought back 1-2% of people on the autism spectrum and .05-.02 with aspergers, yet the poll is saying the prevalence here is somewhere between 23-43%.

Without making anyone who identifies as Neuro-diverse uncomfortable, is it worth asking if this hobby draws a particular group? Is this a known thing that I’m just unaware of?

I never forget a face. But I remember the names of all the dogs in the neighborhood but people? Forget it. Dogs are the superior species anyway!

I'm definitely diagnosed. ADHD along with it. Adderall worked until I started taking all 3 in the A. M. instead of spacing them out. Boom! Addict. No Adderall for you.

You're not alone-I'm pretty much the same. "Modernizing" the flashlight fleet is a case in point. Thank God I can do paperless on credit cards..

Energy is always an issue. Wife: What did you do all say?! Me: silence. (drinking enough coffee to kill a horse to try to get a kick start, that's what!)

Oh, and about wives.. wait'll she gets menopausal. That's when I started doing my own thing. I can't deal with the nagging over bullshit stuff any more.


I now believe that I do have Asperger Syndrome.

My family thinks that I do, too.

It was their concern that led me to research the syndrome.

I haven't been diagnosed, but I will see my doctor in about three weeks and tell him that I think I have it.

How would he check? See if your pee has a nasty stank to it?
