What does Sofirn mean?

I fairly certain it some sort of synonym for:

Shut Up and Take My Money!

All the Best,

thanks for the clarification, still a weird brand name tho! :disguised_face:


equally bad choice


Same can be said about at least half of the brand names coming out of China these days. They’re invented by people who may have only limited knowledge of English, thus not knowing if it’s going to be perceived as ‘weird’ or not by native English speakers.

Does Xiaomi sound any better? Does Allmaybe? Shockli? Haikelite? LiitoKala? Wurkkos? Glaree? Moobibear? There must be thousands of Chinese brands out there that sound weird in English.

Xiaomi sounds better because it sounds stereo-typically Chinese to “western” ears. All those other brand names you listed don’t “sound” Chinese whatsoever, hence they are the “weird” ones.

You may add Miboxer, and for me, the best of all all, Banggood!

Ah yes, I forgot the obvious one. :slight_smile:

Then there is UranusFire… I’m sure I’m missing some ‘good’ ones.

Alas, like with everything, people get used to hearing these names and after a while, they may not sound weird anymore. Although not Chinese, I’m sure Mazda, Toyota, Sanyo, Samsung sounded weird at first.

Interesting topic.

Is Huawei a weird name?

I wonder how Chevrolet, Cadillac, Lincoln, Budweiser, Kleenex, Harley Davidson, Xerox, sound to the Chinese?

So I heard about these two immigrants who were in line in New York Harbor, decades ago.
The first one came from Norway, the second one came from China.

And they got to the head of the line and the immigration officer asked the tall blond guy his name

“Ingemar Johannsen”

The immigration officer wrote it down and said ‘Next’.

The short black haired guy came forward and the immigration officer asked his name, and he said

“Sam Ting”

The immigration officer filled out the form and said “Welcome, Mr. Johannsen. It’s unusual for two men to come through one after the other with the same name.”

Heh! Reminded me of this prank from a few years ago:

yes to me that name is impossible to pronounce…

Not to german ears.

Barry, make a video about how to pronounce Sofirn :smiley: .

some of you have already read this book:

Let me help you - in my language it should be pronounced hła-łej
Just two Chinese symbols: 华 means magnificent, splendid, it is the last symbol in the God’s name; 为 means to become, bo be, to do.
In Pinyin: Huá wéi ; so it should be both pronounced on the 2nd tone (almost like when asking: “hua? wei?”

Hope I helped :wink:


Always liked Datsun better than Nissan.

As to the Sofirn Q8 I left a review on Amazon, "Don't ask questions, just get it!"

I'd prefer an original Chinese name for the brand "Sofirn", too. I like a name like Xiaomi (pronounced /ˈʃaʊmiː/ Chinese: 小米 [ɕjǎu.mì])

As an alternative, I'd suggest a more catchy name like "LUXAPOWER" (that name does not seem to be registered yet, knock on wood).

Does Xiaomi produce flashlights? I mean, is there ANYTHING they do not produce?

Luxapower? naw, too generic.