[UPDATED M4D deal] Manker “EDC Muscle Combo – BLF Limited”

Well said! ^^^^^^^^^

It is a very nice gesture on Mankers part. Well said , SKV89

This is so true. It is truly the First-world problems. People nowadays only pay attention to the appearances of their light as the sign to show off, rather than the important parts which are performance, UI, runtime, ergo/carry etc. :person_facepalming: If you need a light to match your style, just buy custom flashlights.
BLF definitely do Not have The “SPECIAL” purchasing power that many members though. Keep in mind the forum is “Budget Light forum” :wink:

Why no photos of the leds ?
What is that led that looks almost like a white laser ?

What would be the cost of the components if purchased separately ?
How much would we be saving ?
How is this a BLF special edition ?
Doesn’t this cheapen the BLF special edition brand ?
Shouldn’t we have more respect for the BLF special edition logo ?
Manker really has a lot of nerve putting the BLF logo on their light when it’s not designed by a BLF group.

Yeah, you save big time with logo on it. Go to store and do the math.

Woah, PJ22. First off… instead of typing a rant, try to read (the answers to most of your questions are contained within this short thread) and then do a little bit of math. It’s only addition and subtraction, hopefully most of us are capable of that. List price of the MC13 is $53. List price of the E14 III is $55. The 18650 tube on its own is $12, but since we’re getting 2 tubes and not an “extra” tube, we’ll throw that out and call it a wash. The “BLF Special” price is $75. $53 + $55 - $75 = $33 savings (vs list price) which translates to a 30% discount. Not to mention it takes effort for Manker to do a special run and packaging. EDIT: I forgot that the “normal” lights ship with a 18350 battery, so that’s something to consider.

And sorry… I didn’t realize that “BLF special edition” was a brand. Does someone own that?

Wait… putting the letters BLF on a flashlight and then selling it to members of BLF for a special price is bad? I don’t know about you, but if I want something monogramed, that usually is an extra fee.

Sounds like some people need to take a chill pill. Don’t want to support Manker? Then don’t buy this set, nor any of their lights. Has Manker gotten a bad rap on BLF in the past? Sure. Can people change? Can companies change? Will you ever give someone a second chance, or will you remain bitter for the rest of your life?

Happy for the thaw in relations :slight_smile:

Nothing to do with bitterness, from me at least in fact I don’t even know what it is all over (what happened?) I think you have the wrong end of pirate joe 22’s ‘stick’ so to speak. As for rants, you threw one right back at him.
Historically BLF Special Editions are designed, specced etc by the members here and had input from members all over the world. These are then, over many months negotiated by a team representing us. They are refined by our input, numerous pre production testers and said manufacturer and normally those products well exceed your ‘run of the mill’ flashlights or versions of lights - that is WHY they are BLF Special Editions, not because they are a good deal or save money.
This however is a completely different kettle of fish. A handful of members apparently requested this be written on, what are basically a standard lights with NO input from the rest of the forum.
If manufacturers are going to slap this on standard lights (which may well happen now) just because they are saving a few members some cash, it completely negates the point of it being a special edition. Maybe they should call it something different. Maybe ‘BLF Exclusive’ or ‘BLF Muscle Combo’ since that is what it is.
As for ‘And sorry… I didn’t realize that “BLF special edition” was a brand. Does someone own that?’ well that would be SB if anyone, though I’d be tempted to say he’d say it ‘belongs to the community’ which is why I think the community should have a say - not just a few.
I doubt it is a registered brand, and if so anyone can slap it on anything - which to me is a big shame, if manufacturers see this as a cash cow it will be all over ebay the next thing you know misleading people wholesale on pants $5 lights with 100000 lumens……… :person_facepalming: BLF special editions (of which I own quite a few) loses it’s meaning if engraved on standard lights.
‘Wait… putting the letters BLF on a flashlight and then selling it to members of BLF for a special price is bad?’ Yes, it is in my opinion - BLF special edition has NOTHING to do with just price drops/combo deals and never has done.
I appreciate Manker doing the deal for us, I appreciate Max negotiating it and I appreciate your point of view, everyone is entitled to one - but I’m sorry, I don’t agree with it being called BLF Special Edition. I am not ranting, I am just calmly giving a different point of view. :slight_smile:
As it goes, it is a really nice deal price wise for what you get - again thanks for negotiating it.

BLF exclusiv sounds great.

Printing on those only ordered here wod be even better...

I tested a CULNM1 for Hank a couple of months ago and compared it to a CULNM1 from led4power.com. I did not post the tests on BLF because Hank asked me not to do that (I think that he wanted to try to get a higher bin than he sent me, so that a posted test would not be valid anymore for his leds) The two CULNM1 leds from the different sources performed similar, and they kept their output at a higher current than the CSLNM1 that I tested earlier, but the maximum output was just about 5% higher.
So to get more performance from the 4040 version compared to the 3030 version may have as much to do with the output bin as with the better heat path.

Yes I agree totally, I have no issue with ‘BLF xxxxxx’ being on it, since it is a unique 1 off BLF negotiated deal/pack via Max/Manker - just not the ‘special edition’ bit - again, it is just my opinion :slight_smile:

Fair points. I won’t claim to know all the reasons why many are disgruntled toward Manker. One dealt with them being openly frustrated about other brands making blatant ripoffs of their designs. Another had something to do with a flashlight that frequently developed switch problems and warranties might not have been honored (as I say, I’m not really familiar with the situation though).

Regarding companies using the “BLF” name on products… I agree. I don’t want just anyone slapping “BLF” on a product to act like it was heavily influenced by BLF members. I have a feeling that that’s not what Manker was going for here. Maybe just a poor choice of words? Something like “BLF Limited” or “BLF Ltd Run” would be more accurate?

you have valid points - thanks for speaking up!

i did not see it that way. Manker came up with the design in i just liked it ;)
i forward your input to them!

God, I so thought I was going to be shot to pieces……and more so worried I’d upset friends :slight_smile: which is not a good thing.
I only commented because it is important to me lol , and it would seem you guys too.
I think for sure a compromise could be easily reached where everyone would be happy - and, in fact, going into the future could add another ‘brand’ to the BLF specially reserved for exactly this type of deal, it is in no way a bad thing. The opposite I’d say.
Thank you guys for being cool, that is why this place is so special. :+1:

So here is the actual math as far as I understand it (I could be reading it wrong).

“Retail” Purchase

MC13 (with 18350 tube + battery) 52.95

E14 III (with 18350 tube + battery) 54.95

So MC13 + E14 + 2 18350 Tubes + 2 18350 Batteries = $107.90

+ 18650 Tube = $119.90

Combo Deal

MC13 + E14 + 18650 Tube + 18350 Tube = $75

+ Batteries = $85

Don’t have the option for another 18350 Tube, but lets call it $12 (basically the same part just shorter, so probably the same price)

We will call it a wash on the 18650 vs 18350 since they are going to be about the same price too….

So total the Combo deal “value” vs the Retail is…

Combo = ~$97
“Retail” = $117

So about $20ish

I really like this idea. :+1: BLF Limited

Hey Martin, Can we have something like BLF Limited - XXX (serial number)?
Each person in the group buy can have a different serial number on the combo (the two light will have matching #). I think that would make this a real limited edition. Thanks :smiley:

Manker designed the hosts and UI. I’m not sure about the details, but it seems to be inspired by the FW3A. At least, tail e-switch lights started appearing from several companies shortly after the FW3A got popular.

The “BLF Special Edition” logo was created by people on BLF years ago, for use on the BLF EE X6-SE by EagleEyes. It was mostly a stock light, but with some small modifications to upgrade it.

The logo was later sent to Manker for the X6v2 / X5 lights. The X6v2 was heavily customized, and the X5 was brand new. BLF provided the driver, firmware, lighted tailcap design, and general specs. Manker cloned the X6 host from EagleEyes, designed a scaled-down version for the X5, and added some nice upgrades like screw-in reflectors (those reflectors were very nice). Banggood handled the retail tasks. I’m not sure which company was hired to do the actual manufacturing… that detail wasn’t shared. Eventually though, manufacturing went to Mateminco and I think Manker may have been cut out of the deal.

I forget if the logo has been used on other items.

Anyway, the past drama involved at least four companies, if I understand correctly, and at least two community forums. About a dozen products were involved, ranging from huge successes to epic failures. Lots of people got angry at lots of other people. It was a complicated mess for a few years, and everyone involved got screwed at least once or twice.

Should these lights be added to the BLF Special Edition Lights thread?
I hope emarkd can update it :+1:

The BLF X6v2+X5 steel+copper lights did that. It was very complicated and went badly. Would not recommend attempting it again.

However, Manker could perhaps use “BLF Limited Edition” instead of “BLF Special Edition”. A “limited edition” logo was created years ago and Manker should already have a copy.

Of course, the last time it was used, the limited edition ended up not actually being limited. It was meant to be an exclusive one-time limited run which would never be produced again… but instead, Banggood just changed the name to Astrolux and kept selling the same item under their store brand. It was an unpleasant surprise, especially after being told “Astrolux” was nothing to be concerned about, just a printing test to make sure the engraving machine worked.

But that’s a whole different story… and doesn’t really matter here. The only “limited” parts about this item are the price and the logo. And that’s okay… it’s a group buy. People can still get the light later… but for a higher price and without the logo.