Interested :sunglasses:


(If I will be one of the lucky men, I only ask for flashlight, battery + charger is not necessary for me.)

Interested …

Looks like a winner.
Please count me in :slight_smile:

Count me in! Thanks.

Sofirn all the way! This seems great!

Emitter Model name is LEUV-V618A6

Anybody knows it?

UV is useful… I’m im

Count me in.

Count me in and thank you.

Count me in. Thanks

Nice. I've been considering getting a UV light.

Count me in please.

Thanks Barry. I have no UV lights. Not sure what they are used for but WTH.


U bet!

In please…

UV me in

Count me in.
Thank you!

Thank you Barry for another blockbuster sales for this light .

I'm in

I’m interested please I
Love it

Why not, count me in!