World record balloon popping with light!

OK, my addiction, has taken over completely, I want one of those to !!!!!

I want one!

Stupid australian laser laws!

Everyone should have a few!!

Nice video :smiley:

number 72 was a little bastard

Aww, thought it was gonna be a high powered flashlight!

LOL, that one hold out... LOL what was it thinking? Didn't it know resistance was utterly futile?

Germans over-doing something? NEVER!

Right now, about half of byshi's posts include a link to tinydeal. spam dealer!

Definitely Austrians at work here


Pardon my ignorance on laserpointers, but can pointers for sale on the Chinese online sites do this?

If it can do this to balloons what can it do to skin?

No, your average DX laser can not do this, however they are able to pop balloons if you get a decent one. They can burn skin and even blind you. They are not toys and are very dangerous.

Red and Green are the less desirable colors in regards to making balloons go pop. Blue good, purple great,

Many El cheapo lasers sold on vendor sites will pop a black balloon.Just depends how long your willing to hold it there for…

If you hold it there long enough a flashlight will. :)

What’s the real use for these laser pointers,

I’ve used the old,old red lasers for presentations, but how about these newer pointers what’s a good use for them?

Playing with. :P They are nice for stargazing though.

these lasers will be great for shooting at aliens because of their fragile skin, our floody flashlights will make them wrinkle into a ball!

That’s it!! I’m getting one!