The old4570 is a flashaholic GIVE AWAY ! [ CLOSED ]

I’m in! Thank you very much!

I am not a flashaholic! But they’re piling up anyway. Definitely a modaholic though.

I’m in, although I’m far from being a flashaholic, my collection keeps growing and groing :wink:

I’m a newbie flashaholic, my friends don’t see the appeal, screw em!!

Oh, and I’m in!!!

Great, useful give away! Good for beginners also.

I’m certainly in!

Im in :slight_smile:


Thanks for the giveaway!
I need a good DMM, I’m in!

Happy new year. Thanks for the giveaway. Please count me in.

Thanks for the give away. Please count me in

Count me in, and Happy New Year.

I’m in. Thanks

I’m in.
Need one! Thanks

I’m in, I hope I’m not too late.

I'm in ... Thanks for being an encouragingly incurable Flashaholic

only 100..??? Do you mean in a day ??

This is now closed !

Will do draw ASAP !

damn too late

Toaster = PM me your snail mail details ...


Sorry !

I go away for a few days without mobile phone or internet coverage and miss out on this. Thanks for nothing.

Congrats, Toaster. Thanks Old.