Correct sized holster for AA maglite

Can anyone recommend a holster, other than the stock one, for an AA Mini-Maglite? I'm looking for one that has a closure over the head and velcro and/or snap closure so it can't fall out. As common a torch as it is I'm hoping someone has the answer so I don't have to go through a lot of trial and error.



I realize that is the stock one, but at least it has the physical dimensions listed in the description so you can try to find a different holster to match. What in particular did you not like about the stock one?

I don’t like the fact that it can slide or pop out…fits way too loose to feel secure with it. When I drive to work I’m usually on my Harley for 80-90 miles/day and don’t relish the thought of my customized mini-mag taking a header off my belt at 70mph. Too much time, money and love to risk losing that way.

Thanks for the link with dimensions. ;)

Hehheheheh…Sweet! This one from Amazon is actually a full flap holster. Just what I’m looking for! THe stock holster is an open one - basically just a loose nylon sleeve with just less than half the body hanging out the top of the holster.

Edit: Unfortunately the dimensions they give are for the blister pack it comes in, not for the holster itself. Gonna look around some more for a better price and make. Will go with it if nothing better comes up.

Good old Ultrafire 119 just tried it and it is a good fit.

Anyone have the Ultrafire 215 from Manafont? Looks like the best possibility I've found yet and the price is sure right ($1.41). Should be a snug fit and the length looks right. Anyone have one and is able to verify for me?

I will look into that one. Thanks!

That's the one i ordered a few months ago. It does have an open bottom but light fits in there tight and the head would keep it from ever being able to fall through, there is some resistance to removal, and it has the full flap. The down side perhaps is that the belt attachment is velcro, that could be fixed with some sewing. Then again, it costs $6.45 (i got it on sale for a lot less) and you shouldn't have to mod it to be happy with it at that price.