Have you seen this type of counterfeit 18650 battery before? UltraFire

Just saw these on amazon wonder if the are fake too


One review says:

"I have to say that these batteries drain quicker than my bathwater!!! They are ok maybe for absolute emergencies but not as your main battery rotation. My olight m21 has one and a half hours on max power with nitecore battery, however these only give ten minutes..... Enough said chaps."

Others are happy with their product.


You can see in the post below yours that now they do fake TUV Certifications for fake 4800mAh, so they may learn from this post and grind some lead into that powder to make sure they are 45g at least.

The Chinese can duplicate any criteria that you use to verify whether a cell is authentic or not, except capacity.

Let them put lead in the batteries…….Ive always only purchased quality cells so doesnt bother me one bit. Panny, Sanyo, MNKE, AW FTW

New video showing the Ultrafire business style, selling fake 18650.

3800mAh result in more or less 300mAh capacity.

Youtube video:

A crack team of heavily armed Chinese mercenaries needs to be dispatched to eliminate all those connected in the manufacture of crapfire cells.

We would be lucky to bruise them if we send chinese mercenaries with chinese weapons & bullets. Can we pay for something better?

Testimonial from another forum about an 3200mAh Ultrafire cell:

"At 1 amp, i can only get 100 mah before hitting 3.0v from 4.2v.. at 2 amps. faghetaboutit.."

Cut an UltraFire cell, which claimed it was protected. Trying to find a protection board inside the cell is kind of absurd anyway.

After finding out about fake eggs - the mind boggles!
and my first set of Ultrafire 3600mAh 18650’s from eBay were fake they are in fact 950mAh :frowning:

Since then I no longer trust any claims and try to find trusted sources for my batteries.

Fake Eggs Youtube!

Meat glue. Think that steak is a real cut of beef? No more tasty med-rare. :_( Also lamb, chicken, pork.
Never got a fake egg.

"FirePeak" fake 3200mAh cells, tested to be 613mAh by the user.

There was a 18500 cell inside a 18650 shell.

Youtube video:


Very interesting video, showing the powder. By the title you would think that the person believes someone faked the Ultrafire brand, at least I know some truly believe that sort of thing.

None the less you must see the video:

Smaller li-ion cell insde a 18650 shell

Cell : Ultrafire BRC 18650 3000mAH (Red cover)
source: Locally brought

Test capacity : 160mAH

[quote=unknown00101 filled with white power. [/quote]

racist fake batteries?
filled with white power quote didnt work

My red ultrafire battery are holow, I left on charger for many hours unattended.

the sooner we educate the main consumers of these batteries the sooner the garbage will be gone from the market.
i often though of a few ebay buying accounts to buy these suspect batteries,test them,and neg/ding stars of the crap sellers.