Hello from Italy!

Hello people here!

I found your forum times ago, and I appreciate very much your community!

I'm starting to buy some flashlight after reading old and new post! (so far now I have only a Ultrafire P10-R5 wich I use at work).

Thanks to you all, your review and comments are very informative!


from Italy!


Ciao Matteo , un nuovo compaesano.

Hi Matteo, welcome to BLF.

Benvenuto nell'affascinante mondo delle torce LED (e non solo) :)

Välkommen/Welcome! : )

Welcome to BLF!

Welcome to BLF Matteo!

Benvenuto Matteo! Un nuovo Italiano nel forum.. un altro che si dovrà arrabbiare per i tempi smisurati della dogana quando ordinerà le sue torce...

Aloha and welcome to BLF matteo1973!

Welcome Flashoholics Anonymous errr I mean BLF

Welcome to the gang, Matteo! Glad to have you on BLF. :)