Re-post: How to deal with trolls

Good stuff to know. :slight_smile:

so… to sum up…

the proper response to a troll, is NOT to…

…post a picture of myself exposing my “naughty bits” to them? oops, cos thats what i have been doing up until now… thanks for clarifying…


I have marked this post as spam as this member is not here very often but whenever he is its usually where the trouble is so before the trouble starts here lets get rid of him.

Is that Caitlin?

Somehow your post reminds me of this, don’t ask me why

A troll, or not a troll, that is the question:
Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous trolls,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of trolls,
And by opposing end them
But nay, we must totally ignore them.

This clip is freaky, I swear I can hear her say MEOW!!!


Me too. Freaky!

This obviously needs a bump.

Make one yourself :wink:

Cheers David

That is Emily Ratajkowski

This needs a other bump.

Edit for innacuracy.

This is the thread I was actually looking for. My tablet battery died while posting in —the thread that was just deleted- (it hasn’t been deleted yet) so I’ll just remind anyone reading that freedom of speech does not come with the right to slander someone you disagree with. Self-censoring is called editing and should be especially remembered when exchanging ripostes. Polite banter is fun, trolling isn’t. My thanks to SB and apologies for any headaches I’ve been a part of. I’ve yet to receive a note from the teacher but that doesn’t absolve me of the responsibility to look over my own shoulder.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had that same modicum of common sense and decency?

ooooooohhhhhh, do dish!!! what thread wuz deleted and what what the problem with the troll on that thread???

^My best troll imitation, LOL. Thanks for keeping this forum as good as it is… Sincerely, the stuff on some other sites drives me crazy with the personal attacks over disagreements…