You know you have a problem when (aka. time to clean out the closet)

Started to gather all the lights around the house, shelves, closet, etc. You know you have a problem when you've only done the ground floor and the table is nearly full. Granted, there's only the bedside EDC for everyone and probably a dozen others but it's crazy This doesn't account for incans or "lesser" unopened lights like 3xAAA Luxeon's (which might never be opened!).

How many can you identify?

Once the sell off begins, the only ones left will be the Ti, SS, and perhaps a big gun or two...

I love spring house cleaningWink

Please make your charitable donation to the "Zeroed4x Loves flashlights and wants to buy everyone he see's but will sleep with one eye open if his wife catches him but it no use he is broke Foundation"

Ualnosaj, what is that mossy colored one dead center with the long gray lanyard? If the picture is accurately capturing the color, I must say I'm feeling a bit of lust.

Fenix P1 in natural/olive. I have 4 of these around the house, and two fresh in packaging.

I have lust in my heart...

That is one seriously fine collection you have there, chief! :love:

Very nice collection you have there Ualnosaj!

Oh, great, another stalker! :glasses:

Ualnosaj, thanks for the prompt response. I found it at my favorite knife store for just under $40. That will be included in my next knife order for sure. That light has two qualities I find appealing. An earth tone color and is cr123a compatible.

Nice collection!

expensive production lights!! :steve:

Wowaweewa, i like !

Problem? What problem? :D

Oh, I see now, you need a bigger table!


That’s a pretty nice collection. Can’t wait for the sale.

And I thought I was addicted, beautiful collection.