Second generation Eneloops AA are specified as being capable of 1500 recharge cycles. If I recharge once every 2 weeks in a particular device this battery will last 1500x2 weeks = 3000 weeks OR 57.69 years !!

Question: Is this the working life of this battery ? Any expert views on this ?



Aloha Neel! I think it would be more like 750 (1500/2) weeks which would be a little over 14 years. I'm no expert so hopefully one of our battery specialists will chime in.

Eneloops are THE BEST nimh batteries available so if you're thinking about buying some -- then go ahead. I myself have 140 of them.

I also agree enoloops are good batteries, in practice I do not think of someone to charge and use the same battery 1500 times.

Well if it is recharged once every 2 weeks it would be 1500x2 but if it's recharged twice every week it would be 1500/2. So the OP's maths was technically right..

There could well be other factors at play once you get past 10 years though anyway, but I think it's safe to say they will last a very long time. Probably longer than it will take for the next safe low-voltage chemistry to come along and surpass them.

That's what I get for trying to figure something out while drinking.

Don't drink and think folks!

The battery will degrade if cycled or not. NiCd do last well compared to other technologies but they all succumb to age eventually. I'd suggest you aim for 5 years service, pushing on to 10 years if not exposed to high temperatures and you are not too worried about max capacity, I'd guess 70% at 5yrs and 50% at 10yrs.

Temperature will be the biggest factor for stored cells, keep as low as possible tho above freezing is prob advised. I'd put a small bet on a cell kept below 10dc will do over 50% at 15yrs!