Good Luck NASA

Best of luck NASA for the Mars landing on the 5th , I’m old enough to remember the Moon landings and the excitement it generated round the TV in our house , so will be watching with crossed everything it all goes well and we see some outstanding photos .

i read on the WWW that man never landed on the moon. there are even BBC documentaries on the moon landing hoax of 1969. ( am i trolling now haha )

Come on kreisler, you landed here on earth, so you know it’s possible we landed on the moon. You’re just worried we are going to land on your planet, LOL.

My daughter winds her husband up every time when this subject comes up (No stars , no blast crater) he bites every time.


LOL Old-Lumens :bigsmile:

okok, i better out then, sollie ;)

time to tv olympics .. Looks like US volleyball men defeated German volleyball boys, ouch!!