2012 Olympics- Congratz USA !


But form other prospective, not so well :wink:


You got to love the USA for medal count.

Nekdo is exactly right.

Those smaller countries with less population don’t have near as many athletes to choose from. So they definately did well.

Britain should have gotten another gold medal just for having all those mega-babe extra’s participating in the closing ceremonies.
Talk about eye candy overdose !
Now if they brought out Kate Beckinsale, I could have died with a big smile. :wink:

She does fill a pair of leather pants nicely.

I guess the USA will never be #1 since there aren’t enough medals to put them above even 225k per medal 8)

Even Great Britain used tax dollars to train athletes and look what it did for them. Maybe the independent teams should earn a few more brownie points in perspective :smiley:

I’m usually impressed with Australia. They’re so isolated and obviously have a fairly small population in comparison, yet they can easily finish in the top 10 (sometimes top 5) consistently. Heck, they smoked Japan and France at the 2008 Olympics and was only one medal away from tying Britain. They finished 4th in both gold and over all medal count in the 2004 games.

So this has been bugging me all throughout the games. Is Northern Ireland excluded since it’s “Great Britain” competing and not the “United Kingdom?” Scotland made the cut but not Northern Ireland? :stuck_out_tongue:

From wiki so I don’t have to write it and still get it wrong lol


The games were the London games, much of the rest of the country was rather left out. I have mixed opinions on it, we did well and I’m proud of our team but I also dislike the exclusion of the rest of the country and the huge tax bill. It also got all news coverage whilst IMO more important things happened, ie our armed forces losing men abroad and of course the huge achievement of Curiosity….

Exactly. So Northern Ireland was left out of the “UK’s” participation :wink: haha

Actually, I used to be confused about the difference between England, Great Britain and the UK. I thought they just liked collecting different name variations over the years, haha. I researched it a few weeks back so I think I’m fairly educated on which is which and their meanings.

I was referring to the UK’s participation in the games regarding athletes, not as a host nation. I’m still a little curious why it’s still “Great Britain” as a team and not the United Kingdom. Why the separation? Is Norther Ireland, for example, on their own regarding participation?

I think it’s okay to consider it the “London Games” while sort of ignoring the rest of the country. That’s how it’s always been here. The new Olympics has always been more of a city thing as opposed to a national scene. In larger, 1st world nations, there are enough economically sufficient urban areas to host the Games on a city level as opposed to requiring federal assistance.

feel sorry for India.

I will congratulate after several years when all is clear

The big winner was the GB, they did the best they have ever done. Australia had a disappointing showing considering the past. The US women really saved the day for America, they dominated. I find I would much rather watch women compete than men. With a few exceptions, I preferred watching the female sports. Basketball and sprinting are still men’s sports and it just feels like watching women is like watching the B-team, not as good.

Tennis, high jump, volleyball, water polo, pole vault, and a bunch of other sports were more interesting when women played. Men move too fast and are too strong. They also don’t have boobies.


Congrats USA you did a remarkable job!

Truth hurts

(One less, 12 years later http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMk7nhayvR8 )

Well you cant have it all, good healthcare, good schools, state assisted professional sport and making war all over the world :smiley:

I think assboy would be one who always has ass on his mind, and is always mentioning it, so that would be you.
Good luck with your “War on Different Oppinion” :smiley:

Ummm….good comeback ?


What’s not opinion is your continued flaunting of the rules prohibiting political discussion here.

YOu better worry about the rules you are breaking, and Ill worry for myself.