Who Says 2 Good Flashlights Won't Put Food On The Table

This is my passion. And these 2 flashlights work great for frog giggin. I’m gonna eat good tonite. I love these things.

This is awesome.

Take that, Frenchies. :bigsmile:


Now I got to go clean them.

I’ll eat them with some hushpuppies, and french fries.

Don’t eat me now…

(Fried frog with garlic and pepper )

Very nice catch!


+1 :Sp

Yummy !!!

They taste good with ketchup or vinegar. Mmm…

:Sp +3

Mabey if I am drunk?
No I dont think so

Eating frog is like making out with your sister, you ‘can’ do it but you never feel good about.

Pok…… I really need to try those when I go to BKK. Where’s a good place? (btw i try to avoid road-side ones, due to health reasons……coz it’s the same in Indonesia/my wife’s place).

For us Chinese here, we cook them in porridge or soup. Typical. I’d really love to try fried ones.

ILF, nice catch btw!

Each frog costs a good 5-10 bucks here depending on the size.

Look delicious!

I haven’t had them fried before, stur fried, yes, but not fried.

Don't put the mans food choice down just because you're sensitive.

I like frog legs but not sure about preparing/cleaning them. :quest:
If you want to try some fried frog legs, just go to some good Chinese Buffet and a lot of times they have it for you.


I can’t specify , You can order almost restaurants :wink:

These wild frogs are just so much better tasting than the tame frogs you get in a Chinese buffet. Frog legs are very good eating for those that have never tried them for the grossed out factor of not wanting to eat frogs. Trust me. Kind of taste like a mixture of fish, chicken and quail. That’s my opinion anyways. I never would have thought that carp eggs were good until my dad had me try them when I was younger. I love em. Better tasting than regular eggs.

Oh and the frog legs are almost gone. Yummy!

I agree, they do sort of taste like a gamey mix between chicken and fish. That’s why I don’t like them. Sort of like chicken soaked in Swamp water. Just leaves more for you I guess. LOL!


Might try those out! (if someone would hunt, clean and prep them for me first :party: )