A Flashlight stat's page?

Anybody interested in creating a stats/specs page for most of the flashlights on here? I’m amazed we got stats and reviews for batteries that have like so much detail and the reviews are ok but not enuff stats on them. F. e. the throwing distance of SST-90 isn’t known unless u read like 5-10 threads about throw etc… or “what flashlight I should get” yields the lux of this flashlight etc… I would also like details such as 130 degree wall of light compared to 170 degrees on so and so flashlight etc…

So here’s some details I would like to have added:

Flashlight name lumens lux range HEAD/LED spill addtional notes

It’s a lot of work. I welcome you to put together a page like on the Flashlight Wiki, where (theoretically) anyone can edit it. The problem with a thread is if the OP doesn’t keep it up-to-date because he is the only one that can edit it.

I keep a somewhat similar list of BLF reviews, but I haven’t updated it since June it looks like.
