New Ultrafire flashlight: UF-T1

Who else can see the DQG influence? :D

What? No BLF discount? ;)

I decided to ask for BLF discount on the T90 first. :P

at half the price…. :wink:

A little more, but yes. I wonder if its really Titanium..

I wonder whether Titanium made it? Maybe it's a new factory so we can see some made by titanium L2s. :P

They claim its real titanium. Price: 20$

Real titanium for $20?? I doubt, but… Ordered! :slight_smile:

I know someone from Finland who soon will have trouble with his misses..^^

I’m trying to resist… :smiley:

hmm, another twisty, they missed another opportunity to bring out a really nice AAA-clicky, so few of them around!

Looks like a XP-E avaiable at Kaidomain

HIGHLY doubtful that is real Ti for that price. If so, good deal.

shut up and take my money :slight_smile:

Got one today in clear plastic gift box secured on foam recess and tied with red ribbon. No spare O’ring and operation or instruction is non-exist. Try to use the ribbon as lanyard?

Put the empty cell holder body to reach for strong magnet, absolutely immunity.

Found the tissue free of aluminum/metallic dirts after rubbing the lubricated thread; a vague touch of friction typical to titanium felt.

Overall polishing work is O.K. but with extreme fine hairline traces, tail portion with very small lanyard hole is surprisingly good up to perfect mirror finish grade.

Normal dry AAA cell works fine with small diameter positive pole. LiIon cell on hand has large top and the rim strikes on the raised up electronic components on the driver board and therefore impossible to make contact. Unless one could find LiIon cell of proper pole size or with proper modification, do not push hard. No spring found on head and tail ends inside except a sponge ring perhaps for protecting the driver board.

fatlokwok can you post pics of the driver and beam shots please.

isn’t great, but so, what, ….you think you need to point that out? at least he reported to us…

Fatlokwok, can you post a link to the one you purchased? Was it the $38 version from the official site? the $20 version from the official site? or the KD version for $20.44?

I ordered one just to compare it with the DQG. Really interested in some more Information/Beamshots from you Fatlokwok.

Alkaline on left, 10440 on right

Around the centre contact cap is the sponge ring with the small chips soldered. Too crowded for such a small estate.