Manafont Error 403

I tried checking out Manafont and every flashlight I clicked on returned a: Error 403 Forbidden. So I tried logging on to my account thinking that might resolve the problem. No luck. Any ideas?

Same thing from here.

I noticed my browser took me to a https:// prefix when I went to the home page. Pretty sure it wasn't a secure site in the past.

My guess is they are reworking the site and have screwed it up somehow.

They’re probably all away for the New Year celebrations for a few more days. If something went haywire with the site, there’s probably no one there to fix it.

I get that when I go to the hkequipment website. Haven’t figured it out yet. Probably my browser settings…

I didn’t think about that, but now it makes sense. I probably saved some money so thanks! :bigsmile: