LED night light with manual switch

I’m looking for a plain old LED night light with manual switch. I have an Energizer (second link) right now, but its way too bright. Anyone know of one that isn’t bright or have any experience with the Sylvania in the first link? I prefer to stick with well known brands.



What about modding the existing one…a piece of tape, couloir LED with a sharpie or so sometimes is the solution…

I thought about that, but the cover does not come off or isn’t meant to be removed anyway. If I cover it I want it to look nice and I think that is going to be tough because of the shape.

Does the socket not have its own switch? These aren’t switched, but I really like them, not too bright, and can put tape over the sensor:

Yeah it’s for my bathroom so there are no switched outlets. Thanks for the suggestion.

I'm using this:

$3.91 manual night light

$2.99 LED light bulb

Covering the sensor and installing a LED bulb may result in strobing. I had to replace my sensor night lights with manual night lights because of this.

The Masterplug night lights I posted have LEDs though (actually, just the one LED per unit).

Does it have to be waterproof or at least be okay in humidity?

Do you know of a dimmer bulb? I see that one is rated a 8 lumens and the one I currently have is rated at 3 and is too bright. I was using one like the one in the link below, but I don’t want it on all night and got tired of unplugging it.


I don’t think so. It’s low enough that steam does not get to it.

It can be okay in humidity, but it can’t reach IPX-8.

Does they get affected by humidity and water? Does they comes with different color.