Looking for GOOD 26 AWG and 28 AWG silicone wire


I recently bought some 26 AWG silicone wire from Ebay, and it was really bad - insulation melted when soldering like there was no tomorrow.

So, here we go again, anyone have a good U.S. (preferably) source for 26AWG and 28AWG silicone wire, in red and black?


Edit: I recently bought some 22AWG silicone wire from epbuddy, and it was great (200 C rubber), but they don’t carry the smaller gauges.

Hobby King (Tenergy) Silicone wire is actually quite excellent.


I’ve used this 26 ga silicone wire from flaminpyro on LPF, doesn’t burn, very nice stuff.

I can’t find the smaller gauges? Also, is the ones that come with 3 wires joined together (that you split yourself) ok to use?


I found this:


It doesn’t say whether or not the insulation is high temp (or how high temp), so I’ve emailed them to ask.


For the record, they responded and said that they’re wire doesn’t have high temp insulation.

Also, my “need” for 26AWG silicone wire has been met now.

One BLF member sent me some, but I also bought some from a guy off of LPF:

He shipped very fast, and the wire that he sold was very good (26AWG only though).

Just in case anyone else is looking for some of this stuff.

Edit: Just noticed that the LPF guy was the same person I mentioned above.

Edit 2: In my 1st edit, I should’ve said “Just noticed that the LPF guy was the same person that nickelflipper, who gave me some wire, bout his from.”

flaminpyro = Hansen Hobbies?


Not as far as I’m aware. Why do you think that’s the case?

Edit: Ryan,

I re-read my 1st edit, and saw that I was kind of vague, so I’ve added an “Edit 2” trying to clarify what I said in the 1st edit.

Hansen Hobbies said that their wire doesn’t have high temp insulation, but I got some 26AWG from nickelflipper (THANKS!), but in parallel, I ran across that LPF thread/user, and bought some 26AWG from the LPF user. Then, I noticed from nickelflipper’s post that LPF user was the same person that nickelflipper apparently got his 26AWG (some of which he gave me) from the same LPF user.

Sorry for the confusion. Bottom line is that that LPF user is a good place to get 26AWG wire that has high temp insulation (for soldering).

My bad, I was wondering what you meant by “Just noticed that the LPF guy was the same person I mentioned above.” :slight_smile:

Our posts crossed. I’ve edited my earlier post and posted another msg just above yours to try to clarify.



Gotcha, thanks for the clarification. :slight_smile:

Another good source of silicone wire: Common Sense RC.
They have silicone 30 ga all the way up to 6 ga wire, at reasonable prices.
I’ve used the 22 and 24ga wire, solders great, super flexible.

Thanks and welcome to BLF! Link to Common Sense RC.


Hobbyking carries silicone wire in their USA warehouse now. No more waiting on the slow boat to arrive.



Examples (stranded and solid):






It is what he says it is. It is silver plated oxygen free copper wire with teflon insulation. I have never had it melt, other than direct contact with a torch and any plastic will melt somewhere along the line.

OL in your opinion is this Teflon wire as flexible as silicone? Others have said that teflon wire is not as flexible as silicone wire. Just wondering about what your thoughts are with your linked Teflon wire and its flexibility.

I’ve got teflon wire from Johnswireshop and its no where near as flexible as the silicone variety. The silicone I bought from Illumination Supply is like a wet noodle!