Hello and help Please

In this link from Sirius9 there is a 90 degree flashlight and interesting headband. I have been unable to find any info on possible purchase. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance David

You can find many more images here:

Beware that you can lose hours and hours in scrolin this page and analysing each single image

This one?

Yes that is the one. On a different note my wife is a wildlife rehabber. Though technically you are supposed to put down any baby raccoons, they are my favorite and I really enjoy the pictures on your page Thanks again David

So, you find a baby raccoon in the wild, you pick it up and pet it, then once you're done you carefully put the raccoon down onto the ground, and it scampers away.

That's how you put down a baby raccoon. :evil:

*new* Fenix HL50 headlamp


In NC raccoons are considered a rabies vector and put down. “Officially” However two of the wildlife officers quite often and repeatedly misidentify baby coons as possums etc and drop them off. A little tlc and the babies are relocated to an officially friendlier area. You have never laughed until you see a young coon bum rush a empty soda can, vanquish that mighty foe and then move on to greater conquests. Thanks very much for the link. Hopefully for sale soon. Thanks David